Example sentences of "they have [verb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The job of quietening them has fallen to Bob Burgreen , the chief of police .
2 ‘ Maybe my connection with them has rebounded on Sheffield United .
3 ( If they 'd existed in George Orwell 's day , when they were needed at least as much as now , we 'd have been spared all his sentimental fallacies about the perfect symmetry of family life . )
4 Mr Stokle says he felt like killing the culprits when he first saw what they 'd done to Mrs Leyshon .
5 And he could attack the filled-in holes they 'd done in Upper Street earlier this morning .
6 If CBS , NBC , ABC , the BBC — anybody — wanted to up-link video they 'd shot in Beirut they could go either to Damascus or Nicosia .
7 They 'd stopped in Port Patrick harbour to wait for the tide .
8 I 'd been in there four months and they came and told me they 'd gone to America .
9 I thought we got him and Forrester at the same time — they 'd gone to Auxerre straight from the FA School of Excellence or something .
10 Cheering , in wild enthusiasm and their best clothes still , the clansmen swung back aboard their galleys , and heaved them round and away again , a sight happier than when they 'd gone to Inveraray .
11 ‘ They were all either dead or they 'd gone to Australia .
12 They 'd gone into Charlie 's office , at the end of the corridor .
13 Well that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
14 Yeah that 's what they 'd said to Melody Maker .
15 They 'd danced to Michael 's band and her glossy pink trousers flashed and moved in the dimmed lights , and he had felt elated and mildly drunk , and had lost most of the inhibitions he 'd had about dancing , until it became clear to his confused brain that the drummer , who had soft dark hair and was probably a potential Celtic supporter , was getting on so well with Amanda that perhaps they should move on elsewhere , and he swayed out of the room , pushing her in front of him , and bumped into someone at the door , and had realised it was the man in the raincoat , only he was in a dark suit and a tie with geometric designs .
16 They 'd argued like Blackshirts .
17 I hired my boat on Faarsay — that 's a little island south of Mull — and they 'd heard about Mrs Hamilton , but they did n't know my folks , so no one told me our house was let . ’
18 But they would see ; those holes they 'd patched in Upper Street at the start of the morning shift would soon show who was right !
19 Er at this point Douglas said er he thought it 'd be a jolly good idea if they dropped a few of these new bombs that they 'd discovered at Hiroshima and Nagasaki er on these slit eyed people and that would really show them who was in control of the world er now this , as you might expect , caused something of a problem to President Truman .
20 Fernando Serra could believe what he liked because nothing now could bring back anything remotely like what they 'd shared in Seville .
21 She would compare the snaps they 'd taken of Peter on the lawn in the summer with the photographs of John as a baby .
22 More than eight hundred people stand to lose holidays they 'd booked in France , Spain and Italy .
23 She dearly loved the twins , but over the last two days , since they 'd returned to Liz and Owen 's apartment , her cousin 's ancient washing-machine had seemed to be going non-stop !
24 The range , similar to that they 'd had in Heymouth , was black-leaded , the brass parts gleaming .
25 I figured they 'd infiltrated into Danu in ethnic costume , though their appearance was that of wild men from the outer reaches .
26 They 'd driven from Oldfield to London with four dark bays .
27 There is nothing as joyful for the opinionated as to have finally been proved right and I ca n't help but think there are many marginally employed musicians around Ireland today who weep or harrumph glumly into their pints when they think what might have happened if they 'd listened to Nicky .
28 He 'd been a bit funny , quiet-like , ever since they 'd arrived at Thorsbury Manor .
29 Half past three it had been when they 'd arrived at Mr Grady 's , the last name on the list , his fish and chips congealed and inedible .
30 They 'd arrived in London .
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