Example sentences of "they have [vb pp] [adv] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I imagined they 'd picked up their prisoners in sweeps of the town .
2 Whereas the Mondays were once upfront and in your face , now they 've polished up their act , they 've sacrificed the power punch of their old menace .
3 ‘ As soon as they 've patched up my plane .
4 They 've trained in addition to the once a month or even twice a month , they 've trained whenever their duties allowed .
5 We want them to volunteer to pay compensation to the offen Er to the victim , because that way we know that they genuinely have concern over what they 've done and they 've faced up their responsibilities .
6 Already they 've scaled up their fluid star-burst psychedelia into something that sounds more suited to outdoor festivals than stuffed solid mini-venues .
7 They 've thrown away their frilly skirts and put on some more grown-up clothes .
8 They 've picked up their own vibes .
9 That 's why sprinters when they cross the line very often collapse many of them , because they 've used up their oxygen so much so that there 's not got enough and their brain switches off momentarily and they collapse .
10 ‘ I 'm so glad they 've taken away my chains , ’ I told him .
11 But that was n't the end of it ; they had made up their minds to sample every diversion that Wickhams had to offer , and went on to explore the entire store , from Haberdashery , where Mabel bought some knicker-elastic , to Hardware , where Florrie could not resist a patent vegetable slicer which was being demonstrated by a lady in a snowy white apron , who showed them how the little gadget peeled apples , chipped potatoes , sliced onions and generally made itself invaluable to the busy housewife .
12 Obviously , they had made up their minds that they would have to make us eat rather than tell their bosses what had happened .
13 At one station they had cut short their promenade and dived back to get a thermometer .
14 They had worked out their monthly budget to the last pound , and if Norman thought she was going to eat this overpriced muck with a perfectly good cold supper waiting in the refrigerator at home and a decent programme on the telly he could forget it .
15 On the Vienna and Berlin routes every transport had its smattering of adult supervisors , who had to sign a pledge to return immediately they had handed over their charges to the RCM .
16 They had set up their mortar about twenty yards from our trench , and periodically fired off a couple of bombs in the direction of the German positions .
17 They had set up their own operative .
18 Ireland had been slipping out of Britain 's grasp — Sinn Fein had almost swept the board in the local elections , they had set up their own provisional government in Dublin and in some areas of the country theirs was the only authority recognised — and , on top of all that , in September alone there had been over two thousand IRA arms raids .
19 And even if it were possible , making debtors pay 50p to prove that they had paid off their debts seems rather harshly discouraging for them — it would virtually boil down to imposing a line on them not because they had been debtors but because they had now paid their debts in full .
20 ’ supervisory officers were virtually confined to their office or foot after midnight on the night shift when they had used up their allocation .
21 They had long since stopped expecting the world to deal kindly with them : they had used up their good fortune by remaining alive when the Plague came .
22 They had laid down their War Aims and they were waiting for Germany to speak .
23 They had switched off their torch when he stepped inside the room , and made no noise , but some sixth sense told him that he was not alone .
24 News of the two games came as Tottenham announced they had wiped out their debts by finally banking almost £6m from the Italians for the gifted Gascoigne .
25 But now , in the main , companies are leaner and fitter ; they have pared down their operations in order to survive .
26 Their secret is stamina rather than speed and when they have worn down their prey the kill is clumsy but efficient .
27 In many cases they have given up their spare time to pursue a personal dream of making life better for those around them .
28 Whatever their reasons , they have given up their own free time to come to your classes .
29 they have hung on my shoulder .
30 The amount people were saving was slowing down , and Mr Patterson said : ‘ Many consumers should soon feel they have built up their savings to an acceptable level , and may start spending again . ’
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