Example sentences of "they be [vb pp] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are given diplomas for doing this , so they can then prove how expert they are in disability matters .
2 Most defendants in capital cases are black and they can not afford legal representation , so they are assigned counsel by the state .
3 The mass of working people , as they liberate themselves from the bourgeois yoke , will gravitate irresistibly towards us … provided yesterday 's oppressions do not infringe the long oppressed nation 's highly developed democratic feeling of self-respect and provided they are granted equality in everything .
4 One would therefore have to believe that many or most of the observed particles such as gluons or quarks are not really elementary , as they seem at the moment , but that they are bound states of the fundamental N = 8 particles .
5 Find-spots rather favour the arrangement in fig. 124 , but the characterisation seems to fit better if they are made partners of the other men .
6 To allow pupils to progress at a pace suited to their own particular aptitudes , they are taught French in sets based on their ability in the subject .
7 For a differential drill they are placed side by side and drilled across to highlight the difference between them .
8 Once they pass they are given accreditation for the products they are allowed to sell , and that accreditation is available for the customer to see . ’
9 Correll thinks herbicides , more potent than they are given credit for , may be to blame .
10 But they , and the set-piece speeches to the party faithful , have also done more for Tory morale than they are given credit for .
11 Whilst these may be significantly cheaper in terms of cost and so written off as mere toys they are often far more capable of producing simple documents than they are given credit for .
12 He thinks people 's musical perceptions are wider than they are given credit for .
13 This is to say that linguistic ( as well as social ) activities become significant because they are given significance by all participants — not only the " speaker " .
14 In this way , provided they are given guidance on the type and volume of work expected , schools could be brought back into the mainstream of assessing their own pupils ' work instead of being totally dependent on the success or failure of the guessing games they play with the examiner .
15 The most severely-handicapped may be able to benefit from pictures and music , if they are given access to them .
16 His uncle was fend of French fries and he tells the empty corridor for the hundredth time that they are called chips over there and they are eaten with vinegar .
17 If they are tied houses of the sort that the hon. Lady described , that would be reflected in the market value .
18 Visitors from the north find that they are denied petrol at garages and that their cars are sprayed with ‘ Traitor ’ slogans .
19 That it is firmly tied must be correct ; the inhabitants of Brave New World are not autonomous precisely because they are denied access to relevant information .
20 They are situated side by side in the square type of pod , or one above the other in the oblong pods ( usually in two columns ) .
21 They are priced £4 for adults and £2 for zens .
22 They are priced £6.99 for six ( for stocklists , ring 0703–872267 ) , but we have 25 sets to give away .
23 But the charities say plans have not even been drawn up to develop the homes and that housing associations have refused to start work on projects until they are promised funding for running costs .
24 Many guests will want to deliver their presents personally at the reception , so remember to have your bridesmaids or best man on standby to ensure that they are taken care of .
25 If girls are considered slags , they are considered slags from before , because they had slept with guys when they were young , and they had this , that and the other guy .
26 Prior to AD 625 the coins are found mainly in Kent and the upper Thames valley ; afterwards they are found spread over a wider area as far afield as Ireland , Scotland , Derbyshire and Yorkshire , although they remain concentrated in south-east England .
27 In the next place they are found side by side with great intellectual brilliance , and … clothed in glamour which hides the hollowness within .
28 They are finished works of art , full of mimicry and telling gesture .
29 They are offered life without rest .
30 They are offered cups of tea from a steaming cauldron by British soldiers .
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