Example sentences of "they be [adv] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 They are also the first to achieve levels of commercialism higher than those based on ceremonial exchanges as a means of forming social and political alliances ; the latter type of system may have remained in use longer in some areas .
2 They are also the first point of customer contact at the Sales Centre .
3 They are also the first to contain the new style ‘ classless ’ honours , with the end of the separate British Empire Medal for outstanding community service .
4 There is one area , however , where Scotmid is firmly rooted in the past ; they are probably the last commercial operators of horse-drawn vehicles in Scotland .
5 They are respectively the second and third largest land animals , the elephant being the largest .
6 National data on the use of each part of the service by age and sex , married persons and unmarried persons , is used as the basis of these weightings , but they are only the first stage .
7 The reports of earlier and less specialised exploration often include references to landforms as they are often the first things to engage the attention of the non-specialist .
8 Other society suggestions include : Sending design and information guides to all local builders , as they are often the first point of contact when people want to alter their homes .
9 The place was originally built in 1880 and they 're only the third people to have owned it since then .
10 Cos they 're virtually the third best going anyway .
11 I mean , i i it 's a while before these chairs are , the they 're always the last ones these to sit
12 They were just the first .
13 They were also the first to join permanent trade unions .
14 They were also the last of the home unions to award caps for internationals against France and they steadfastly refused to pick any capped players for ‘ B ’ internationals , which they have from this coming season stopped playing .
15 At first he did not identify Maud Bailey , and he himself was not in any way remarkable , so that they were almost the last pair at the wicket gate .
16 They were almost the last to leave ; as they were leaving they paused , of course , to say goodnight to Mother .
17 Not surprisingly , part-time women were usually left to management 's mercies and when recession struck they were usually the first to go .
18 They were really the first nudes that he had done since Jane Birkin posed topless in the Sixties .
19 He drew level with Marius and myself and started shouting about the English and how they were always the first to desert ; how he , Corporal Auriega , with four years ' Legion service , who had endured shelling in Beirut and the heat and flies of Chad , had finally had enough .
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