Example sentences of "they [vb mod] be see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 HP-style credit is really money lent to buy things — and credit agreements which left the lenders any rights to take possession of things bought under them should be seen as if those things had been bought on mortgage ( ‘ chattel mortgages ’ ) ;
2 They may be seen as steps in the transition from the Family Practitioner Services being purely ‘ administered ’ services to being an actively managed service .
3 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
4 They may be seen as evidence of the insidious creep of sport climbing ethics into the mountains , but used sparingly they eliminate an unwanted and unnecessary risk and cause less visual intrusion .
5 They may be seen as clauses of allographs , as phonemes can be seen as classes of allophones .
6 In addition , dense infiltration of the lung by eosinophils occurs , and where these accumulate in the small bronchi in large numbers , they may be seen as greenish plugs at necropsy .
7 They may be seen through 13 March and there is a catalogue with colour reproductions and an essay by Maurice Poirier .
8 Such previously unimaginable impertinences must not only be done by the book : they must be seen to be too .
9 Abroad they must be seen as great statesmen anxious to build peacemaking bridges between East and West .
10 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
11 They must be seen in perspective .
12 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
13 They must be seen by us not only as a new type of settlement but as places with individual characters and their own idiosyncrasies .
14 Instead , they should be seen as an experiment , with criteria for success being those of safety , behaviour of users and degree of acceptance by cyclists and motorists .
15 They should be seen as complementary contributions to the wider management of our transport , environmental and social objectives .
16 Three , and Johnson 's knock-out punch — Pennant 's descriptions went as far into detail as Pennant wanted them to , and therefore they should be seen for what they are , not what they might have been : ‘ Here is a man six feet high and you are angry because he is not seven . ’
17 If they take place from the children 's earliest years , they 'll be seen as a natural resource in family interactions .
18 In that sense they might be seen to be moving in a different direction from the strongly centralist initiatives in connection with the national curriculum .
19 In this book we will be looking at the level at which facilities are provided in electronic hardware , as they might be seen by a system programmer about to implement the most basic software on the computer .
20 They could be seen as a bridge forming an almost tangible link between the ‘ two worlds ’ of spirit and matter .
21 They could be seen as tools of the replicating crystal lineages , the beginnings of primitive ‘ phenotypes ’ .
22 So , so they could be seen as restorationist but he 's making restorationist into a revolution .
23 But they could be seen to be so " from below " as well as " from above " .
24 Natural high points were emphasized by mounds , often slightly off the hilltop , so that they could be seen from the valley bottom .
25 Moreover , mothers may have encouraged children to play on the road surface where they could be seen from the kitchen window instead of on the grass at the front where they could not .
26 A deeper understanding of the function of leys might emerge if they could be seen in ritual terms .
27 They could be seen in constant arguments in every European court , as in the past , about the relative positions of diplomats on formal and even informal occasions , their placing at table at meals where more than one was present , the precise way in which they were conducted to their first audience with the ruler to whom they were accredited , when and whether they stood or sat at such audiences , the precise moment when they or the ruler removed their hats , and a variety of such tremendous niceties .
28 They 'd be seen as grasses or informers .
29 Following the ceremony , thanked the guests for coming and briefly explained what they would be seeing on their tour of the working factory , which is expected to boost the Company 's production to over 50,000 tonnes during 1990 .
30 He asked if Hall had forgotten that it was intended eventually to extend the new buildings as far as Great George Street where they would be seen with the Abbey and the Palace of Westminster .
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