Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [verb] you a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any of them would make you a better wife than I could .
2 They may cost you a couple of hundred quid , but they look as if your grandmother may have knitted them from one of her own patterns .
3 To them you are just a very large creature who for some unknown reason feeds them , and for that , and that alone , they may give you a grudging sort of respect , if owls have any idea what respect is .
4 They give They 'll tell you erm they 'll give you a list of the weights for C L.
5 They 'll give you a tenor clef a little bit further on .
6 And at the moment the building societies and banks are chasing business , they 're really desperate , and er they 'll , they 'll give you a very good fixed rate .
7 That 's they 'll give you a tenner , you need to be white male , fortyish , five foot five to six foot , slim build , clean shaven .
8 ‘ Yes and loud and clear on the Saint or they 'll give you a ticket for Cincinnati and it would be months before your next of kin were informed . ’
9 they 'll give you a key to the P A cupboard .
10 PUT your wedding list with Mulberry Hall in York and they 'll give you a wedding present too a small Stuart crystal rose bowl .
11 I did n't even think about , yes they will , they 'll give you a little cutting , I suppose .
12 And they 'll give you a one year warrantee .
13 if we book er , any , er , erm , a deal with them through P & O European Ferries , if we book one car and a person on a standard return fare crossing , they 'll give you a free five day return to be used on the same route in the autumn them are the deal with exclusive to the A A so do n't just get across once , cruise across twice
14 If it 's cold they 'll give you a fire .
15 They 'll give you a fire if it 's cold the other day when Tony was here with his mum they had a fan heater
16 But even if you went in as researcher who 's going to interview them , and a , and informal way which might be a more appropriate method , you 'd still have considerable difficulty in that there is , they 'll spin you a yarn and whatnot , you know what they wanted you think rather than what what they should .
17 They 'll show you a trick or two you never thought of . ’
18 Erm , I , I 'd like to thank you all for your participation this morning by the way , and I will give you out erm these reply if you 'd like re erm a , an information pack from us , or if you wish to have a chat with me , then you can send in this , you can give it me back at lunchtime , and I can send it into the office , and they 'll send you a retirement pack with an income planner and what have you .
19 So what I was gon na say was , that , that partic , partic er participant observations typically involves actually living with the , the study for a fair amount of time , so erm although they might tell you a pack of lies initially you can actually observe what they 're like , what they do and see whether they fit what they 've said and as time goes on you ha hope to develop some kind of rapport with them so that they might totally understand .
20 birthday but they wo n't if you go in there they might give you a bag .
21 . Hopefully it was either sympathy or generosity , but still , they might find you a pair of trousers or a blazer , or even a tie .
22 At school , you start off , you integrate with everybody right up to the third year so that , in the third year or the fourth year , your friends or who you know as friends , they might call you a ‘ black bastard ’ .
23 I mean they could give you a decent stand to put it in cos I hate those ones at Sainsbury 's .
24 Now they could do you a boatload right off the shelf , nothing down and nothing to pay if you shoot 'em in the right direction . ’
25 These should be run-of-the-mill problems to the experienced recruitment specialist , but they could cause you a deal of anxiety and frustration , as well as cost you a lost of wasted time and effort .
26 ‘ But they 'd make you a sergeant straightaway ?
27 Shabby streets scattered with litter , full of houses where they 'd give you a bed and a bowl of cereal for a fiver , no questions asked .
28 And , and whenever they knew you 've come would you , would you walk through and , and they used to for us every time an tha and that in those days they 'd give you a couple of bob which is , it was a fortune to me at that age .
29 There was some people round here that were selling gear that were n't smack'eads and they 'd do you a lay on without any rings or surety or nothing and you 'd say , well , ‘ Lay us on half a gram and I 'll sell it , like ’ , and they 'd say , ‘ Alright ’ , and then you 'd go back a coupla days later and say , ‘ Look .
30 They did n't use to cut it in slices they used to break you a piece off a a big loaf .
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