Example sentences of "they [vb mod] [prep] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But this is something else again , having socialist ideas is one thing , betraying your country another , people who do that have no rights at all , that 's my opinion , they ought to be just put up against a wall and shot .
2 well I du n no , they ought to be even more now that fighting , er supposedly fighting for business
3 We would have expected them at the beginning , and as we are still at the beginning , they ought to be here .
4 Such parents know that it is something they have been socialised into by a segregated society , and that things could have been otherwise : that they ought to be otherwise ( It 's not fair … ’ ) .
5 The belated realization that these things are no longer so leads to the embittered and baffled reaction that they ought to be so .
6 However , Mill was against a secret ballot , Mill thought votes ought to be cast publicly and the reason for this is that he thought people ought to be voting on their view of what is right and so therefore they ought to be publicly accountable .
7 Another neglected master emerged on three LPs of Piano Sonatas by Harold Truscott , played , as in the Founds , by the indefatigable peter Jacobs ; they revealed a muscial thinker of a very high order who has been , and still is , cruelly ignored by the muscial establishment ( again , I understand that John Ogdon 's recording for Altarus of Truscott 's Tenth is due for release soon — and I would also make a plea for a re-issue of those other Sonatas on CD : they are contrapuntal masterpieces , sometimes witty , often beautiful , and they ought to be much more widely known ) .
8 And we decided to get lots of copies for all our friends that we have n't seen for a long long time so I asked if they could do them for me but I thought they would be back by now , well they should of been back ages ago actually !
9 They might of been out you see !
10 The incidence is one in ten thousand so it 's pretty rare but untreated these children will grow up very seriously , mentally retarded , very , very poor quality of life and enormous stress on their families , when they could of been nearly normal , right so the cause is one of these essential amino acids which is powdered protein , so what 's the treatment ?
11 that ducks do have eggs it 's possible they could of been there but they were n't .
12 well they 'd of been here thought of been desperate for that would n't you ?
13 Because of his principles he had n't served in the Forces and they 'd made him do labouring jobs instead , so that now his hands were n't what they used to be either .
14 Locust , locust beans they 'd be about that length , they used to be just like a brown bean , they were dry .
15 They used to be just another attraction at a children 's zoo — but then they learned to trampoline .
16 Are we slap a tax on , tariff on there that reduces consumption right , what with world prices , world prices they used to be here they 're now down here alright .
17 They used to be extremely good value ; now they are eminently ignorable .
18 ‘ In Victorian times they used to be about 35 inches wide ; now they can be as narrow as 30 inches .
19 They used , they used to be about ten quid and you , we all thought it was really good value and went to all of them but erm they 've gone up to like eighteen pounds well that was the last one I went to last year so some of them are twenty two and I paid thirty for one of them but that was at the erm Savoy Hotel that little bluebird one , that 's a real debs ' ball .
20 With a little wall round and on this island there used to be a lot of houses on and they used to be all what they call alms hous old people lived in them and that .
21 Oh they used to be ever so funny houses you know and in them days and The er you never used to see in the oh a lot of houses and you never used to see big windows like these .
22 See during the war we had , we had a lot of er minesweepers down here and they were all in these trawlers , fishing trawlers that 's all they were and they used to go minesweeping off the coast , from here to Yarmouth and then , and Yarmouth and Lowestoft they had theirs , they used to like meet and cos they used to be out four days minesweeping and in four days .
23 The scientists who man the climatological observation posts are less cautious than they used to be now that the general theory of climate change has become common property ; government servants are more confident and outspoken ; and , while scepticism remains , no cabinet minister is likely to denounce the theory and the accompanying evidence as hysterical .
24 They used to be absolutely beautiful there but they 're crap now !
25 Cowslips , they used to be very
26 no so it was saying how times have changed , but they used to be very , very stuck up and it showed some of the early programmes and how people used to talk , oh so frightfully posh and so frightfully gorgeous and the words , and , it 's rather pleasant is n't it , really rather nice
27 They used to be in they 've all gone over to Luton .
28 I was just discussing this last night , but they used to be more friendly atmospheres , even with the away supporters years ago you know it was but things go full circle in the end and hopefully like I say we 're getting back to some sort of sanity now .
29 I mean usually that just does n't work because I mean the Guardian , they used to be more bold expanded in the Guardian except for and it was gross .
30 Well anything what was going , anything , change the buckets , on the that used to be every Saturday afternoons , they used to be home .
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