Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] be in " in BNC.

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1 People had got no money you see having a load of kids and they keep always being in the family way , naturally trying to get rid of them you see because they did n't want them obviously .
2 The Upside Down Catfish tend to nip one another as they swim round the tank — they 've only been in the tank for five days , so would the nipping be due to the fact that they 're still settling in ?
3 This was very common in the past and I 'm sure many shop stewards here who 've dealt with redundancies in the past , know about the poor members who get quite a nice lump sum redundancy , but in fact , they 've only been in pension schemes a short while , so they ca n't provide for themselves in old age , once they 've spent the redundancy money .
4 Children should always wash their hands before handling food , particularly if they 've recently been in contact with pets .
5 Erm the loyalist paramilitaries have become much more sophisticated than they 've ever been in their history .
6 They 're much more sophisticated than they 've ever been in the past .
7 Today the large populations are in varzea rich in fish and turtle protein , much smaller ones on the terra firme , but they have now been in decline for some 500 years since the European invasion .
8 In contrast , things are very much as they have always been in Wales .
9 Existing borrowers who have been with the society for five years or more may get a reduction in their interest rate if they have never been in arrears .
10 They have never been in that position before some of them are classic cases of Thatcher 's children .
11 Most modern houses have very little fortuitous ventilation because improved standards of insulation and draught-proofing have made them much more air-tight than they have ever been in the past .
12 Taxes are higher than they have ever been in this country 's history , and the burden falls disproportionately heavily on lower-income families .
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