Example sentences of "they [vb base] [be] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 The difference remains when the age at which they die is taken into account .
2 Because they 've been pressured into an opinion on one particular aspect of their letter .
3 Though sometimes , when they 've been smashed into and then I have to turn the other way , they go oh !
4 The Cult only ever had one truly great riff of their own — ‘ She Sells Sanctuary ’ — but on ‘ Electric ’ and ‘ Sonic Temple ’ they at least had the intelligence to plunder the repertoires of The Stones and Zeppelin , here , they sound like they 've been dipping into a library of unreleased Uriah Heep doodlings … uninspired , to say the least .
5 This ensures that when commuters ' cars are absent during the day the space they free is incorporated into the pavement for walking and playing uses , not into the carriageway where it would encourage higher speeds .
6 These thought processes can be brought into use at will once they have been transferred into faith in the Created God .
7 Over the years they have been inducted into the Maori nation in New Zealand , a rare honour , have packed soccer stadiums in Uruguay and Chile which make Wembley look like a park pitch and have successfully led the way for numerous reggae bands to grab a slice of the American popular music market .
8 Er so that was a market place that we really were n't tapping from this region , they have been tapping into London .
9 I believe that the very speed at which they have been absorbed into the school system indicates an uncritical acceptance of the package because it is new and modern and fashionable and that there has been little serious examination of which aspects are relevant and which are not .
10 The dictator ( to look at one of Keith Graham 's examples ) who allowed everyone to decide for themselves what they wanted and then told them what they must do , is violating their autonomy not because their wants and needs are not realised in action , but because they have been coerced into doing something they do not want .
11 Research has also indicated that many members of the upper strata owe their position primarily to the fact that they have been born into those strata and have capitalized on the advantages provided by their social background .
12 One has the impression that the politicians have half-heartedly picked it up so as not to be left behind in the citizenship fashion-parade , or maybe because they have been prodded into rendering some kind of lip-service by their convinced academics .
13 There is a beautiful and , to my mind , very moving story which scientists , grown old and grey in the quest for useful tools with which to chip away first this corner of ignorance and then that one , hand down to their students and which the students , when they have been transmogrified into old and grey scientists themselves , pass on to their students , and so on and on down through the generations .
14 Such parents know that it is something they have been socialised into by a segregated society , and that things could have been otherwise : that they ought to be otherwise ( It 's not fair … ’ ) .
15 However , although people seem to agree on a hierarchy of symbolic rewards , this apparent consensus is not the sum of people 's personal evaluations regarding the relative importance of different jobs , but a reproduction of what they have been socialised into accepting and which , when asked , they reproduce as though this sort of thing is a matter of fact .
16 In contrast to this , I wish to argue that if disabled people display psychological abnormalities , this is because they have been socialised into such traits as a result of the ways in which society meets , or fails to meet , our needs , and that the claim that such features are a consequence of impairment is itself an aspect of the oppression of disabled people since it misidentifies , and thus does nothing to overcome , the main source of psychological distress .
17 An important factor in the crisis is the awakening realisation among West Germans that they have been tricked into pretending this peculiar arrangement of subsidising their compatriots ' oppressors was normal .
18 A vase containing flowers that have been left over is also put at the well so people can see for themselves how they have been incorporated into the picture .
19 Although I have great respect for W. 's consultant and for the dedication of the staff , it seems to me that they have been manoeuvred into a position from which a change is necessary , even if it is a change that carries the risk of interpretation by W. as ‘ yet another adult rejection and failure . ’
20 In fact they have been moved into nursing homes funded by the Department of Social Security .
21 But , in keeping with the decline of the Kentish hop industry , they have been turned into weekend retreats for green-wellied Londoners driving trendy 4×4 jeeps .
22 At the same time by increasing their expenditure programmes at a rate far greater than the growth in tax revenue they have been led into creating inflation .
23 Thus they have been re-encoded into long-term memory and this gives rise to the primacy effect .
24 It will follow that , unless they have been sunk into prepared grooves , the horizontal cords will stand out on the spine as pronounced ridges , and the leather or other covering will have to be moulded or ‘ nipped ’ over them .
25 The ‘ Old Guard ’ , no longer playing a role at Central Office , has muttered darkly about the inexperience of the ‘ Brat Pack ’ : the Young Guns say it 's not their fault , that they have been forced into the background by more experienced campaigners .
26 Shadow housing spokesman John Battle said : ‘ They have been forced into it , but at least now they realise they have to do something .
27 As a result , they have been forced into less desirable but more lucrative employment elsewhere in order to support an ‘ acceptable ’ standard of living .
28 Already the Canadian government has retreated from a plan to cull 300 wolves and they have been reintroduced into American national parks .
29 It also has letters from enthusiasts , some of which sound as if they have been translated into Hungarian and back again .
30 When records are being updated during the run , and so have to be written back on to the device after they have been read into main storage , this method involves no loss of time .
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