Example sentences of "they [vb base] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 By and large , those extra ’ advantages ’ , as the Labour party calls them , for the employee have to be paid for out of the profits of the organisation as a whole and they eat away at the capital that the business would ultimately have available to reinvest in jobs .
2 Whilst they are here , we hope that they rub away at the image of Birmingham and find its reality .
3 In fact , all our theories of science are formulated on the assumption that space-time is smooth and nearly flat , so they break down at the big bang singularity , where the curvature of space-time is infinite .
4 But nevertheless I think that these colleagues , if they look carefully at the fundamentals of their own assumptions , will find that they are begging just as many questions as I am .
5 The pilots will see little of the show , they look just at the planes around them .
6 They all s they stand there at the door going lighter as if it matters they have to get off the train with a cigarette in their mouth or they 're uncool , some shit like this
7 The bags were of that thinner kind of plastic they use for the bags that they give away at the supermarket , the free ones ; and now one of the bags in her right hand split and she just stood there helpless to stop them as three cans fell out and rolled across the concrete .
8 Nobody listens but instead they stare out at the countryside , the classic English landscape .
9 They set up at the foot of the first escalator .
10 Start the keys and paper at rest at the same place — the same height above the Moon 's surface — and they arrive together at the ground at the same time .
11 well they go up at the side of it and down behind it
12 at the back like their bob 's there and they go up at the back .
13 They peck valiantly at the monsters ' pointed snouts , frantically paddling with their feet and beating their wings .
14 When they turn up at the office next day looking as if they 've missed out on their sleep , however , they could get more than teasing comments from their colleagues .
15 If somebody if they turn up at the normal time , I assume when though there 's you know we could leave a not a not a notice and they could just go out .
16 Maggie 's eyes are long and wide like certain nuts , and they turn up at the ends like maidens from Disney .
17 or they turn up at the gates and go shit Mr like the headmaster 's on the door and my nipples are in and they go hang on I 've got some ice cubes here , put them on and they come out and er they go by the nipples , your nipples are looking good today .
18 However , the world 's preponderance of very poor people want to get richer as quickly as they can and are probably not too concerned if they do so at the expense of the environment .
19 As NOSTRO accounts increase , they do so at the expense of US domestic bank accounts .
20 They 're er they live in at the present time and er his name 's Paul and he 's the main Skoda dealer in Nottingham .
21 ( They laugh good-naturedly at the mistake .
22 The more shit they throw over at the Jerries the better .
23 They come round at the interval and say , ‘ Was Ruby on for the first half ? ’ and I say , ‘ Yes . ’
24 ( See Hall v Marians 19 TC 582 , Wild v King Smith 24 TC 86 , IRC v Gordon 33 TC 226 cf Lord Radcliffe in Thompson v Moyse 39 TC 29 at 337 ; it is not felt that Harmel v Wright 49 TC 149 at 159 alters the position because if one is " keeping one 's eye " ( p157E ) on the income and benefit it does not find its way to the United Kingdom ( it is hardly the case that the income and benefit " come in at one end of a conduit pipe and pass through certain traceable pipes until they come out at the other end to the taxpayer ( in the United Kingdom " ) ) . )
25 They swing in at the airport gates .
26 If Earth Children lobby and demonstrate ; if they pray only at the tabernacles of the worthy , they will propel the high priests of consumerism towards Earth sustainability .
27 At the Art College , after a preliminary course in the first year , students choose their area of practical specialisation and pursue it to the fifth year , when they work full-time at the College with no timetabled commitments at the University .
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