Example sentences of "they [vb base] [noun] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They deny allegations that torture and ill-treatment are widespread .
2 Replicators do n't behave , do n't perceive the world , do n't catch prey or run away from predators ; they make vehicles that do all those things .
3 They want ties that link them more to each other — through mutual defence pacts — and to the West , if it can be done without infuriating the Soviet Union .
4 Thinkers , like the aforementioned , gained status because they suggest answers that have the ring of truth .
5 Our judges treat the techniques they use for interpreting statutes and measuring precedents — even those no one challenges — not simply as tools handed down by the traditions of their ancient craft but as principles they assume can be justified in some deeper political theory , and when they come to doubt this , for what-ever reason , they construct theories that seem to them better .
6 They prefer them mainly because they face regulations that reward stable growth in returns from year to year rather than the more volatile — but , in the long-run , almost certainly higher — returns they would earn by holding more equities .
7 Some welfare rights organisations damage the cause of some genuine claimants when they mount campaigns that result in offices being swamped with claims , as that inevitably delays the decision on those genuine claimants .
8 They read publications that keep them abreast of market trends , personalities , lawsuits and prices — rather than delving into art history as do their counterparts in Europe .
9 Now , a lot of people have trouble when they spell words that have shh or ba in them .
10 But it is as well for high-profile entrepreneurs to remember that they are always at some risk of being damned by association if they use structures that appear , or can with journalistic licence be made to appear , too close to those behind which fraudsters have hidden .
11 For some of the stuff , they use symbols that go beyond me , because I never learned to read guitar book music .
12 But the reasons for this are instructive because they illustrate difficulties that arise in analyzing attitudes to almost any new scientific theory .
13 ESTATE agents are not noted art lovers , but they love houses that appear in famous paintings .
14 They are large and numerous and they contain islands that contain lakes that contain islands until the tatters of the coastline fray into the cold northern sea .
15 Along with behaviour rites such as shaking hands , kissing , taking and giving of coats and getting drinks , they form rituals that make our meetings and partings easier .
16 Through their roots they absorb nutrients that have to be in water solution — so water is the second component .
17 They recommend measures that make economic sense regardless of whether or not global warming is occurring , such as limiting deforestation and increasing energy efficiency .
18 They take jobs that allow them the maximum time at the waters edge , or they do not work at all .
19 Things exist either because they have recently come into existence or because they have qualities that made them unlikely to be destroyed in the past .
20 They affect quite radically the life of a community and they have repercussions that reach up to national level .
21 You know all the , the proprietors they ha , they have horses that pulled the co carriages they had a race .
22 They have stories that need telling as opposed to a plot that most of us have never heard before and which make us feel uncomfortable .
23 That 's why it 's best to go through an agency or er something like White and Eddies because they have people that collect them and they have people who have to take up references and
24 I mean they have words that strudes
25 That they 're th No , th I 'm not I 'm discriminating o against them on the grounds that they have legs that do that .
26 Of the sixteen families of lizards alive today , eleven of them have species that demonstrate tail-sacrifice .
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