Example sentences of "they [vb base] they [vb base] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If they lose they get nothing .
2 They mean they make it , in many situations , make it pointless of people to try and found jobs .
3 When anything like this happens in Waldron City everybody starts shouting for action , and as they have n't much idea just what kind of action they expect they take it out on the administration , and that means Wilson .
4 If you look at the way they report they remember what their family environment was like , what their home environment was like as as kids erm you find that they generally have much less positive recollections than people who were n't abused as children .
5 Well I think the daft I say they say they pick us up but why I do n't know .
6 Everybody knows the French Pub , or at least they say they know it if you prompt them with ‘ you know , the one in Dean Street ’ , though it 's not in many of the guide books .
7 I was just going to say , I think what you say on full employment , erm , elsewhere they 're keeping wages and pay up is n't it , erm , and I 've known a couple in Telford again , that there 's work there , a new company it 's perfectly easy to take on all the good skilled labour they want , then they say they feel they 're very guilty because they 're poaching it from across the road , the British company has probably been two wages so that the jobs , it does mount up , so I do n't , I , I would like to know more about erm , what the low pay unit would really do to help us , and I look at this eight thousand two hundred and eighty pounds , and I think that would go an awful long way in the Mr Chairman , in helping to keep that going , which creates all the people who leave and get jobs , and good jobs , and get skills , and erm , I , I , it may be if there 's going to be a big budget , eight thousand pounds is not very much , but I , but when you think an individual project like that of course , any sort of traineeship , it 's a lot of money .
8 They say they feel I 've gone into their living room .
9 anybody they are in the area you know as they always say and ah sorry we need a back door so they say they offer one per door one
10 Not necessarily in terms of the way the job is done , but in the cost banks really are expensive if you 're minded to use a bank they do publish their tariff , they say they give them out to people , I suspect that it gets forgotten sometimes the principle is there the is n't .
11 That 's how they know they have it .
12 Making it clear to them they get they get it 's not
13 ‘ Like most Asian parents , they believe they know what 's best .
14 RSPB spokesperson Mike Everett said some of the worst offenders were a minority of gamekeepers who shoot birds of prey because they believe they threaten their game birds ‘ despite research which shows this is not the case . ’
15 Where self-confidence is concerned , although most groups of men reckon it 's a quality women value , there are significant differences in the extent to which they believe they possess it .
16 They meet , they chat , they find they have something in common which is their grief and eventually love blossoms .
17 They try they fail they 're they 're
18 What seems to happen there is the bird that 's deserted has to stay with the existing family because if he or she erm deserts , those chicks will , will , will die , so er it 's what is sometimes called the Concorde fallacy that if you put a lot of resources into something , you 've got ta see it through , because if you pull out just before the end you can lose everything , whereas i if , if you stay on even if you know it 's a failure , erm at least you may get something out of it , so the , in that case wi with monogamous birds the parent that 's deserted the one that 's left may have to stay , because if they desert then they can have no reproductive success whatsoever whereas at least if they stay they get something .
19 Although they do they do I mean I 've been I 've been to the presentations
20 But I said Cheryl if we do sell these tickets to whoever and they think they round yours , I said they can , you know what she said no I do n't want anyone else , I said that 's fair enough .
21 ‘ We learn in the academies , ’ she said , ‘ but not what they think they teach us .
22 couple of months he said he , it could be a couple of years , it depends on how quick it get , work gets done and how long they think they need you .
23 Many people find that they drop their meditation practice or whatever it is at precisely the time when they think they need it most — i.e. when they are feeling most stressed .
24 they think they think they like
25 They think they own you body and soul , ’ she said , nodding towards where she last saw Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke .
26 And erm there 's a lot they 've they 've they 've done some television work on him and anyway er in nineteen O three , he came over in the you know about in nineteen hundred with his family and I 've got a picture of them in that 's where he came from in .
27 So really you 're you ca n't lose they come they give you the best advice , they give it in a written form .
28 It 's like this people th they 're deep sea divers and they discover , they 're stuck in the crevice , a big erm nuclear submarine and what it 's for is an experiment that 's gone wrong and it it 's to make and instead they make an abomination you know , incredibly powerful and intelligent but really nasty you know , murderous and killer and so they take they take him to these people .
29 I do n't think they can take any more , you know they 've left nothing there , but now the allies — I do n't think there is much , and even if they have they call them surgical , you know , sight bombing
30 If they do n't like what they see they spoil it .
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