Example sentences of "they [vb base] that [noun pl] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 They fear that ministers intend to downgrade their economic role and enhance the powers of local enterprise companies .
2 They perceive that gains involve risking capital in the acquisition of chargeable assets and that the incidence of their realisation is usually irregular , particularly in the case of businesses and land .
3 They insist that planners do not and can not have the scale and quality of knowledge and foresight to regulate prices and output effectively .
4 In fact , they seem to get a good price for their equity , because they only sell when they sense that investors feel lucky .
5 They report that costs have increased by 3.5% over the past year to £8,327 .
6 They suggest that women fit into the secondary labour market for five reasons :
7 They say that actions speak louder than words .
8 After all , they say that doctors make the worst patients ( so he had a point to prove ) .
9 It 's to shame the rest of the Dharjees , because they say that Dharjees flout Islamic law ! ’
10 They conclude that firms pay dividends to influence the riskiness of their equity and that the higher the dividend payout ratio , the lower the total and systematic risk of the shares .
11 The access funds supplement the main package of student support and allow universities , polytechnics and colleges to give discretionary support where access to higher education might be inhibited by financial considerations or where they consider that students face real financial difficulties .
12 Merrill Lynch 's statistics are interesting in that they indicate that companies prefer to give expatriates coming to Britain financial assistance towards buying property rather than towards renting it .
13 There will continue to be problems if science teachers are personally doubtful about girls ' ability to do science well ; even if their doubts are not voiced ( and anecdotal evidence suggests they sometimes are ) , girls are unlikely to respond unless teachers show they believe that girls have something to offer science as well as the reverse .
14 Feminism has meant in practice that as women change they demand that men change too .
15 In a report , they claim that Huntsmen collect dead animals from local farms , feed their hounds on the raw meat and then sell the skins to dealers .
16 They claim that doctors receive higher rewards than teachers because they are more fully professionalized .
17 They argue that banks have put the worst of their bad loans behind them and become more efficient , making record profits .
18 The staff admit that a sudden rise in entrances to the zoo was likely to be largely due to an interest by the public who wanted to visit it before it finally closed and they agree that problems remain for the future .
19 One thing they are all quite sure about is that children are not like adults ; in particular they agree that children lack some capacity for rational thought which adults have .
20 Yes I mean in a sense that just sort of shows that a lot of people would agree with Lakehoff in the sense that they think that women use a lot of tag questions and have that speech style , erm I mean like we 've been able to see , and what we can say is that men and women 's language is different er and it 's even possible to say in what way it 's different , but the difficulty becomes when we actually want to say why those differences are .
21 Now I 've used that as an illustration because I think these are some of the best materials that have been produced in this country , but there are other learning inventories and tests which can be used to help teachers find out whether they think that children have got these dyslexic difficulties .
22 This is a descriptive vote because this hundred er women are not a representative cross section of the whole of Scotland they 're invited to come from various places and ninety six of them think that animals deserve a better deal .
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