Example sentences of "they [vb base] not [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Erm some of the banks actually lay off the charges to some extent , but I think he might find that a bit expensive to run , erm and of course they 'll take their charges even if they do n't make a profit for you .
2 I was trying to clarify they do n't make a contribution to the I five provision .
3 Because they do n't make a bad noise .
4 It 's a wonder they do n't make a car port here you know ?
5 They do n't make a joint do they , for you , you , you , you and you ?
6 But it sounds as those , those two probably have the same feelings as you do , when it comes to the crunch they do n't make a note
7 ‘ The reps still say they do n't want a diesel car because it 's noisy , but that 's changing .
8 They do n't want a dog , really .
9 They do n't want a completely unknown counsellor to come in at this time .
10 They only said these things because I am a woman , and a Catholic , and they do n't want a Catholic queen in Scotland , they want a Protestant king .
11 They do n't want a club full of namby-pamby bleeding hearts . ’
12 He says that they do n't want a confrontation , but it could happen .
13 They do n't want a report of the years work they just want us to talk about one or two things we 've done Any more events ?
14 they do n't want a , they do n't want a buffet or anything or just like that , just sort of
15 they do n't want a , they do n't want a buffet or anything or just like that , just sort of
16 they do n't want a big place .
17 I mean , they do n't hold a mirror to your lips or anything . ’
18 " No , of course they don't. they do n't matter a bit .
19 They do n't feel a thing , ’ said Constance .
20 They do n't feel a thing , and I always put them back in the lake when I 'm through . ’
21 They do n't present a welcoming entrance to the city as you come across the Tyne Bridge .
22 So erm if you ask them why they do n't do a certain thing you get a very very elaborate argument about it , which is often very difficult to er to er criticize or , or , or attack .
23 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
24 They do n't cost a lot . ’
25 Lets hope they do n't bear a grudge !
26 If you go to Wembley on Saturday morning you will see women with wide Jari bordered saris with gold embroidery , with necklaces and bangles — all gold — and of course they do n't wear a coat because the full splendour of their clothes must be revealed — on their feet a pair of decorative Chappals — however cold it might be .
27 They do n't give a sod for the students and all the other wankers and pooftas that turn up ’ , he declared .
28 Jack 's own assessment of his schooldays was covered in his own biographical notes as having ‘ deportment problems ’ which he later explained in more explicit terms as ‘ fucking up , not in line or as with adolescents nowadays , making a big show they they do n't give a fuck , that 's bad deportment .
29 Young people will admit ( where the middle-aged seldom will ) that they do n't give a toss who wins , but they are almost never intentionally rude .
30 ‘ A lot of people do n't want to be in the best band in the world because they do n't give a shit about themselves , ’ he remarks flatly , still playing with his half empty bottle of water .
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