Example sentences of "they [vb past] it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
2 They made it impossible for me to stay .
3 They thought it normal for Daddy to get them up and dress and breakfast them , before he went down to morning surgery , and for Lucy once she was up to spend ages talking excitedly and gesticulating on the telephone , before consigning them ( with a kiss on the head ) to Nissy while she disappeared to the study to practise , and the house was filled with the cello 's dismal squeaks and groans , which always recovered eventually , into more or less of a tune .
4 They thought it normal for tea to come out of the fridge or the oven in a tinfoil box with a peel-back lid , although they did remember for weeks afterwards Lucy 's occasional cordon-bleu phases , when the house had been filled with heart-warming smells , and different kinds of food had appeared out of saucepans on top of the oven , and other dishes inside it .
5 The covens were restricted to thirteen , possibly because they considered it unlucky for the enemy Christian church due to the number at the Last Supper .
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