Example sentences of "they [vb past] at [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The three of them looked at each other , and Husband said cautiously : ‘ If you say a matter of hours , you do mean tonight ? ’
2 She was n't in the mood to cope with Kegan 's heavy playfulness , the sort of labored gallantry he produced whenever they met at official hospital functions .
3 They gazed at each other like a pair of fools .
4 They gazed at each other in silence , then Penry touched a finger to her lower lip .
5 But I would have thought that one lot of er papers would either have gone to the archives office or er been retained in the Advertiser if they amalgamated at some time .
6 They lived at 3 Windmill Street , Lad Lane , Deansgate , where William was born .
7 Brother and sister were not therefore reunited until later in that year when they lived at Windy Brow , Keswick — ‘ We find our own food .
8 They argued at that time that pedestrian crossings of railways were perfectly safe .
9 They attacked at first light , their generals having made exactly the same mistake as ours the day before .
10 They leered at each other , then tittupped down the polished wood of the stairs , clutching the banisters .
11 The tranquil white-washed villages were a welcome relief and they stopped at small bars and quenched their thirst with local wine and spring water .
12 These signals may have been less predictive of the outcome because they occurred at higher frequencies at earlier stages in the conflicts .
13 They introduced ad hoc postulates , such as proposing that objects got shorter when they moved at high speeds .
14 They rehearsed at New Cross Stadium and had to get a suntan to look fit .
15 The other is that they were Christians but they received at this point more of the Holy Spirit , they were filled with the Spirit ‘ as at the beginning . ’
16 Last year was the first time they played at that level , while Scotland , England and Wales have been involved in ‘ international friendlies ’ for a number of years .
17 Beside him Carol watched the modern-day gladiators as they came at each other .
18 They came at full speed , the leading man aiming to Sharpe 's left , the other pulling to his right .
19 And they nodded at each other , for all the world , Isobel thought , like a pair of well-fed penguins .
20 The force of the blow pushed them apart , and they arrived at opposite walls simultaneously , kicked again , and met once more in the centre .
21 When they arrived at Green Gables , Marilla came to the door to meet them .
22 Mr. Spearing : Is the Leader of the House aware that those who are concerned about this matter are grateful to him for referring to the Select Committee 's report of two years ago and that we look forward to the Government implementing the intention that they stated at that time ?
23 Gombrich sombrely recalled hearing about Auschwitz while working at the BBC Monitoring Service during the war : ‘ They claimed at that time — I remember that as if it were yesterday — they claimed that at least five million people had been killed , and I remember a colleague of mine coming to me to check this figure , because it seemed impossible .
24 They yelled at each other until the car passed erratically between the electric gates of the elegant , much photographed Lewis home and came to a halt on the gravel before the porch .
25 They landed at 0600 hours , unopposed by a German garrison satiated on Christmas fare ; the commando planners picking times for a strike force to land when the enemy were likely to be off-guard .
26 The faults of their guns drove the French aces into a frenzy ; in the air , they jammed at critical moments ; on landing , they had a nasty habit of firing unexpectedly , often shooting up ground crews .
27 They grinned at each other like conspirators .
28 As they jolted along they grinned at each other , letting out little exaggerated groans of pain every time the unsprung wheels hit a bump in the road .
29 They grinned at each other .
30 They glanced at each other , and the same recognition struck them both .
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