Example sentences of "they [vb past] [pron] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them poked him with sticks to see if he really was a savage and threw books shouting , ‘ Build us a tower .
2 The sight of them filled him with pride .
3 Still , they met us with fire trucks ; we were politely assigned an armed guard and warned not to take pictures .
4 Because administrators depended on their lord 's favour , they devoted themselves with vigour to Promoting his interests .
5 They overtook us with science , and [ sound of explosion ] Islam … [ burst of gunfire and sound lost ] .
6 They charged me with possession of cannabis .
7 Yes and they they provided me with boxes of tapes and batteries and eh Walkman and so on and so forth and eh , I 'm trying to be conscientious .
8 A likely explanation is that , although in book 2 he again collaborated with Danchet ( nos. 1–4 ) , and worked with another eminent librettist , Fuselier ( nos. 5–6 ) , they provided him with poems whose dramatic interest is uneven .
9 I think I 've made the right decision because Foyly scored two goals , and I do n't think you stop a player of his quality , I mean they tried it with George Best , they 've tried it with , you know Manfred Mann and they always do something special do n't they ?
10 When they could not get money from the machine they beat her with sticks .
11 Here they filled me with morphia , gave me ether , and put my arm in a rough splint .
12 It took a long time to break away from the idea that children were at best potentially evil and indolent , that they were little pitchers that had to be filled with information and moral guidance before they filled themselves with wickedness , idleness , and nonsense .
13 They filled it with period furniture and even had an antique staircase installed .
14 It was n't his case and they were n't suspects , and they must have known that he was no cheerful extrovert , flattered to be the centre of attraction while they bombarded him with questions about Chief Inspector Rickards 's likely methods , the chance of catching the Whistler , his theories about psychopathic killers , his own experience of serial murder .
15 They bombarded him with letters , each cleric pointing out the justice of his claims and listing the iniquities of his brother in Christ .
16 They bombarded him with letters and rang him up at least once a week .
17 They encouraged me with smiles and cries of ‘ good good ’ as I worked !
18 They killed him with kindness , and it did n't do Blackburn much good either .
19 A proclamation was issued in 1718 against " unlawful Clubs , Combinations , etc. " of wool combers and weavers : … which had illegally presumed to use a Common Seal , and to act as Bodies Corporate , by making and unlawfully conspiring to execute certain Bylaws or Orders , whereby they pretend to determine who had a right to the Trade , what and how many Apprentices and Journeymen each man should keep at once , together with the prices of all their Manufactures , and the manner and materials of which they should be wrought ; and that , when many of the said Conspiritors wanted work , because their Masters would not submit to such pretended Orders and unreasonable Demands , they fed them with Money , till they could again get employment , in order to oblige their masters to employ them for want of other hands .
20 The children knew that the little bunnies were coming and they were so careful of the mother when they fed her with lettuce and cabbage .
21 They acquitted themselves with valour .
22 So they tied him with chains but the demonic powers were so great in his life that he snapped them like new cords .
23 When it was ready , they padded it with straw and blankets .
24 They watched him with interest , but also with suspicion , even apprehension ; no one knows what an official snooper on the loose will turn up .
25 Then , as their reanointed Caesar climbed to the podium , they offered the final slopeside accolade : they pelted him with snowballs .
26 And erm my used to tell me about er when they were serving their time , all the apprentices used to clump their work on a Monday afternoon to go to the panopticon And at that particular time , they had turns on and if they did n't like them they pelted them with tomatoes and oranges and they had a big hook for for pulling them off the stage .
27 When the pies ran out , they sprayed them with foam !
28 He had an infection of the muscle and would have to stay in hospital for at least three weeks , maybe a month , while they treated him with penicillin injections .
29 They called me ‘ baby-face ’ when they were annoyed , but generally they treated me with respect .
30 If they viewed me with suspicion then I was much puzzled about them .
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