Example sentences of "they [coord] [v-ing] them [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean we ca n't go into the private market and expect them or asking them to provide houses erm affordable houses as I say the question is what 's an affordable house , who 's got the money to buy the house I would presume , but obviously we know the situation is it 's the lower rent of market , the lower income groups and the unemployed that are suffering very much reasonable accommodation at a rent or at a price they can afford and I reckon this is what hopefully the government was after to say whether we 'll put in our policy and hope that we can get things .
2 And it 's trying to pull the planets in , Lee , but other stars are pulling them and stopping them falling into the sun .
3 Poems order experience and share it ; understanding them and writing them involves an act of creativity , and in both activities there is a kind of joy involved when the order of words , or insight into the effect of that order , corresponds with the way things are .
4 He set up an organisation called BSC Industry , which had the prime task of counselling redundant steel workers , retraining them and helping them to redirect their careers and , in many instances , set up their own small businesses .
5 If you know you do something which other solicitors can not , then there is absolutely no harm in telling them and inviting them to recommend clients with that problem to come and see you .
6 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
7 In pre-automobile days , a disembodied pair of hairy hands would tear at horses ' manes , frightening them and causing them to rear .
8 This lack of exposure in itself must have the effect of limiting motivation : staff nurses are rarely found battering at the tutors ' doors for advice on how to develop their teaching skills , and some way of motivating them and making them see the importance of teaching must be found .
9 Because there are no definite growing seasons in the tropics , trees do n't have rings ; so without actually watching them and measuring them grow , it 's impossible to date them .
10 I 'm for the artist speaking to the audience , backing them and letting them do what they want .
11 He 's already had two anyway through recognising people that have been through his hands in the cell block , an following 'em and finding them climbing through a window .
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