Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb base] these [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 These otherwise humble humans are almost totally deaf ( well , they can hear after a fashion and even utter a few ponderously slow , deep drawling growls , but they only use these sounds for rudimentary purposes like communicating with each other ; they do n't seem capable of using them to detect even the most massive objects ) .
2 The Gulf of Tonkin and the Vietnamese frontier is the arbitrary point at which South-East gives way to North-East Asia — the industrial powerhouse of the Pacific , the region that most economists and businessmen mean when they idly refer these days to ‘ Asia ’ .
3 None of the operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) , in so far as they affect the minors , can make a minor of order r + 1 nonzero , nor make the minor of order r vanish , since they merely condense these minors .
4 They just make these conditions appear simpler .
5 I mean , they usually do these things , if you flash your student card .
6 They also use these variants more than their male counterparts , although they follow the expected sex-differentiation patterns with respect to other phonological variables ( see chapter 6 for a discussion of the Clonard pattern ) .
7 They also offer these materials in other widths ‘ off the roll ’ by the metre run should you require a wider or longer piece for your particular application .
8 Like other researchers on social representations , however , they often psychologize these representations .
9 When historians contemplate the widespread monastic reforms of the tenth century , they often see these reforms as an ideal instrument by which kings and bishops could counteract the power of the lay aristocracies in the regions .
10 Although ‘ conservation policies of land-use should be positive and encouraging , not restrictive ’ ( Hudson 1971 , 79 ) , they frequently include these measures , which aim to stop certain agricultural or pastoral practices which are identified as harmful .
11 They then sell these leaseholds to chaps like me .
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