Example sentences of "they [adv] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Italian government , concerned that the better things should remain in Italy , were delighted to hear that many of them only made the journey by canal from the Cannareggio to the piano nobile of the Palazzo Malpiero .
2 Russian representatives sent to them normally had the rank of Great Ambassador ( Velikii Posol ) and their complaints over ceremonial were less intrusive than in other capitals .
3 Old Mr. Stavanger and Mr. Andrew both liked a glass in the Masters ' Room , but neither of them ever took a drop too much .
4 More importantly , none of them spontaneously reflected the irony or the exaggerations of the passage in their recall .
5 Two brave men changed direction to rush to his aid , but neither of them even reached the wire .
6 Together they successfully masterminded the acquisition and distribution of British and American hard currency , with which they bought Croatian fodder to feed the Swiss cows donated to Austria which then provided free milk .
7 In August 1980 they successfully tested the conversion on a private railway in Somerset .
8 Creeping around from hangar to hangar and dodging patrolling sentries they successfully ensured the destruction of several more aircraft , brand-new crated engines and machinery .
9 It was no longer a question of looking for a path to follow but of choosing which , for they rarely went a mile without being faced with the need to choose .
10 Looking down at the river , she could see that the level had dropped , uncovering lines of bricks on the wall beneath them that looked as if they rarely saw the sun .
11 They rarely saw the ground , only snatches of lakes or wooded countryside appearing through the rare break in the stratus cloud .
12 In addition , they rarely had the opportunity to escape their environment for they were rarely educated beyond the age of fourteen , the statutory minimum age established by the Fisher Education Act of 1918 .
13 For instance , they rarely used the word ‘ rape ’ in 1951 , only the horrible euphemism — ‘ carnal knowledge ’ of a woman .
14 Gradually as they were arguing they began to realize that they rather liked the American .
15 They badly needed a hit at the time .
16 They duly processed the information and despatched warning letters stating that offenders had five days to make a payment arrangement — with a 10 per cent surcharge — before a court order , a summary warrant , was activated .
17 They duly unveiled the initiative last week , but the only name they were able to add to their own was that of Sun Microsystems Computer Corp .
18 Maggie 's heart was suddenly thumping as they slowly left the floor .
19 In the 17 hours they were missing after losing their way , they trudged the forest to keep up their body heat until they eventually reached a path with white arrows which led them to the edge of the forest .
20 To Willie 's relief , they eventually reached the safety of the gate at the other end of the field .
21 They eventually got the message after about 30 minutes that we were not prepared to bribe them with anything and let us through to the Romanian side .
22 At least half a dozen six-figure offers for Jodami have been rejected , and Beaumont said : ‘ They eventually got the message he was not on the market .
23 The battle raged throughout the moon-bright night and although the Scots were heavily outnumbered , they eventually won the day ; however , during the fight , Douglas was brought to the ground by three spear wounds .
24 She went to Morrocco with Roger 's wife Elizabeth where they eventually found the body .
25 Suddenly , all the lights came on in the hospital and they eventually opened a side-door and let her in .
26 Added to the Right-On readers , they effectively expanded the core group and provided a viable number of buyers .
27 The sapling trees had grown tall in the twenty-five years since the Beeching axe had fallen on the single railway track , and , even leafless as they were , they effectively screened the view from the top .
28 This explains the dramatic Demarche of President Mitterrand and Chancellor Kohl in April , when they effectively bounced the rest of the EC into a much more urgent timetable for political union , aiming for full implementation in two and a half years .
29 Three police cars were damaged as they effectively rammed the metro and brought it to a stop .
30 No but they did n't use it for they did n't have a license then , they only got a license after the war you see .
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