Example sentences of "they [adv prt] [subord] they [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd brought home some hairs from the cross on the back of a donkey when she was cutting her teeth , and Ma had made a little black silk bag to put them in so they could hang round her neck to keep the funny turns away .
2 I bet you feel like a now , give them in when they ca n't truss them du n no .
3 They stared in surprise and she said in a tired voice , ‘ Oh it does n't matter , I suppose , not the old skull , but he 's run me ragged just lately , picking up things round the house and putting them down where they should n't be .
4 When you are able to do this with the major scales , try the various minors , modes and arpeggios , mixing them up as they might occur in a chord progression .
5 Cor , there was boxes of brand new tools come down there , spanners , and they used to be the , like these , like a big chopper , well they used to have couple of all with erm breezed up with erm like greaseproof paper over 'em , bag 'em up into the holds , guns , there was guns , what done with the guns they hit the er , just near the barrel or the trigger , th they used to flatten them out so they could n't use 'em but they all went in the ships bombs , or little shells they used to find in there , all scrap iron .
6 We knew the RAF , and Allied friends were seeking out the launching sites of these monstrosities , and wiping them out where they could .
7 They are shunted from one set of rails to another ; turn-tables spin them round until they can be run upon any particular line ; by means of capstans and ropes the loaded trucks are warped this way or that ; and tank engines push them hither and thither .
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