Example sentences of "they [prep] a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Shanas ( 1979 ) , in her review of American data on family support for the elderly , notes that women are two or three times more likely than men to say that no one helped them during a period of illness .
2 This enables softening to be done simply and economically with waters of a wide range of hardness by passing them through a bed of the granulated material .
3 In this same hospital , when relatives come to the mortuary to visit the dead member of their family , they view them through a sheet of glass .
4 During the Second World War , for example , a number of government initiatives stimulated thinking about the resettlement of disabled people into open employment by channelling them through a period of ‘ industrial rehabilitation ’ .
5 I mean you may have to support them through a sort of bad patch , but the idea is to erm get them so that they can look after themselves , you know .
6 In this situation the distance/number of links between the pair could be calculated from the ‘ shortest path ’ connecting them through a sequence of intermediate linked probes .
7 Their migration route to the Alaskan feeding grounds takes them through an area of ocean which is cluttered with drift-nets .
8 Under the persuasion of the Bow Street Runners , information was wrung from them about a meeting of the Wokingham Blacks , and a complete troop of Horse Grenadiers was drafted down to the forest .
9 He described them as a rope of sand that is washed away with every tide " .
10 For me , too , it seems allied with giving the fundamental grief and despair room and expression , using them as a kind of necessary ballast but not taking so much of them on board that they swamp the vessel .
11 They can let successful managers use them as a kind of bonus or incentive .
12 Some people feel them as a kind of outrage and violation , and Boden was a strong-minded and passionate man .
13 You know I 'll watch them and think maybe I 'd like to do that but not , not , you know , judging , not sort of using them as a kind of measure stick you know to judge everybody by .
14 He says : ‘ Writers like Richard Streeton tell me they carry it around with them as a work of reference , using it to find out whether odd events have happened before .
15 He scorned them as a man of action must despise all faint-hearts .
16 It also manages to tie the Alps together as one whole , treating them as a range of mountains rather than just a list of routes .
17 A few days later , immediately alongside the busy M40 , a pause at traffic-lights enabled me to glance at a dense assembly of birds , as closely-packed as starlings , extending for almost a quarter of a mile along the edge of the arable field , and I was able to identify them as a mixture of Lapwing and ‘ goldies , ’ all immobile , and many of the latter with their heads tucked in as if fast asleep .
18 Whereas most of the models today that we think of we regard them as a mixture of the two but with a he and , depending on the type of or the piece of perception that we 're working on , we have either one the other .
19 What makes the study of the English choral renaissance so fascinating is that these ideals have arisen there in ways that complicate ( but in no way confute ) the argument of Richard Taruskin and others who regard them as a projection of certain 20th-century musical ideas and tastes .
20 The loamy bat-dung crawled with poisonous six-inch millipedes , and at one point we automatically prostrated ourselves amongst them as a horde of disturbed bats swept towards us to escape .
21 And having destroyed him , it was this other side of the ambivalence that came back to haunt them as a sense of guilt and deferred obedience , and out of guilt , they instituted the incest , the incest prohibition .
22 The reforms were , however , strongly opposed by a section of the Green Party , which in broad terms viewed them as a betrayal of the movement 's roots and as a " sell-out " to mainstream political methods .
23 Most successful companies are bought out by large customers who see them as a way of getting into new technologies .
24 At the beginning of the nineteenth century , building societies began to accept investments from people who did not want to buy a house , but use them as a way of investing their savings and obtaining an income in the shape of interest .
25 Love You and your partner face new challenges in your relationship — use them as a way of finding out just how deep your feelings are for each other , and how much you are prepared to sacrifice in order to make it work .
26 First , bankers are so used to thinking of intangibles as chiefly useful for pricing takeovers and then minimising taxes after them ( intangibles can be amortised for tax purposes ) that they have been slow to see them as a way of wooing investors .
27 It is difficult to believe that , among the tumult in the cave , either mother or baby would be able to recognise one another 's voices , but bats are famous for their skill in disentangling the echoes of their high-frequency squeaks and using them as a way of navigating .
28 While women use them as a way of releasing tension , frustration , and rage they will have the illusion of doing something while nothing changes .
29 Enjoy them as a part of your total balanced diet .
30 She was accustomed to her parents ' absences and proud to endure them as a member of a sailor 's family should , without complaint , but now the absence of her mother and father disturbed her .
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