Example sentences of "they [verb] got [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was , you opened it and come out and shut , shut the door and you 'd lose the penny then they 'd got to go through the same operation with another penny , you know what I mean .
2 I asked them if once they 'd got rid of the forty percent they could then get it back by dropping the prices , you know , they 've , they 've
3 and they 'd the same bed that that they 'd got married in
4 But they took what few they 'd got left on our regiment to Ireland so nobody else 'd desert , while they rounded the others up and took them to Ireland you see .
5 Windsfield straight into New Invention and every Wednesday night , first it was the cows that would come and then the sheep and they 'd got to walk to the abattoir at Bloxwich , and erm sometimes the cows were so heavy with milk that er a lot of people in New Invention had free milk and then if the , if the sheep would be here there and everywhere you know and then with mother living where there was an entry dividing four houses er and a well straight at the top , and a. a big old-fashioned er tap for the cold water , there were n't any taps laid in kitchen in er what are the outhouses it was a communal tap erm sometimes the sheep would get out of hand and they 'd run up the entry hall and all round mother 's yard and then the cows would go around , but er it , it to me I felt sorry about it , because especially in the summer er erm the poor things were so hot and to walk all those miles , now they 're carried are n't they and they used to every Wednesday every Wednesday of the year the drivers would er the men must have been absolutely tired out , well although they 'd be used to it would n't they , but it was miles to walk from Wolverhampton the cattle market to Blox straight to Bloxwich and er that was another event that erm it , we , it , we used to have .
6 But I think that erm once they 'd got started on it they would find it very beneficial in terms of erm improving their kind of over-all general image .
7 They 'd got changed in the Ladies and given their outfits to Kim , who was still wearing hers , as she 'd borrowed them from Simon 's wardrobe .
8 They 've got to negotiate with the the er people that run these homes and and erm and that kind of thing .
9 er anything that 's work , they 've got built in resistance .
10 Er no because if you have a hundred hundreds of these arriving on the er on the doorstep on Monday then you need to er know exactly which company they 've got to go into .
11 They 've got to go into Europe and they 'll get involved in domestic cup competition .
12 Well they 've got to go into quarantine , and that 'll cost them wo n't he ?
13 So once a person becomes unconscious , remember they 've got to go to hospital because they can only get worse , right , there is n't any , enough sugar in that body to , to be able to work properly so they 'll only get worse .
14 Their skin will be very flushed and dry you 'll get deep sighing and this is the one you 'll get the smell of acetone , not always , you know the nail varnish smell , the pear drops , and then from there they 'll get , they 'll go into gradual I 've put coma there , but gradual unconsciousness treatment the same sugar , if it 's sugar they want they 'll come round almost immediately , if it 's , they 've already got too much well you have , that little bit 's not going to make them any worse , they 've got to go to hospital anyway .
15 I 'm also concerned that if they went down School Lane , although I think it you know I understand they 've got to go to Norwood Gardens and things , that with the car park at The Plough now being blocked I mean School Lane at peak times for schools is a nightmare .
16 Now it 's one of those unfortunate things that when people talk about maintaining standards , the only sort of , in an sense , external sort of guidance they 've got to go for are things like examination passes .
17 they 've got to go through books .
18 Why do n't the one driving the week before tell the one the week after that they 've got to go in drivers ' entrance and not in bloody one !
19 ‘ They are saying to the council that they 've got to listen to how their employees and the public feel , and not to impose the cuts of central government on their workers and expect them to carry the consequences . ’
20 They 're just a person keeping an eye , I suppose they 've got to respond to it you see and then they , they were , you know , they do n't come and look .
21 ‘ Next time , possibly , when they 've got rid of Mr Kinnock , but not this time . ’
22 Erm so basically he 's still there and they 've got rid of me making it as an excuse but Charles as partner is his brother , Nicholas .
23 Oh they 've got rid of those white ones
24 They 've got to stop behind the doors .
25 A , actually John was suggesting that we might talk nicely to John 's dad about the money they 've got invested in the sale of their pro , their ground .
26 ‘ Common mistakes are to feel they 've got to live near a beach , when they can in fact drive visitors there from many other areas in half an hour , ’ says Jonathan .
27 book home they 've got written in the back of the book what
28 every day now , now I mean I do n't know how many she 's got living in there or what they 've got living in there , they stay
29 Although it 's two years later they 've got to resell at the price that er it 's been discounted more or less .
30 They 've got bent from being in my pocket — there 's a crease right across Marie 's forehead .
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