Example sentences of "they [verb] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This evening I visited Scouse 's latrine , the mosquitoes and all the flies were having a fieldday ; there were clouds of them hanging over the latrine in the still evening air .
2 As Greg reached him he was stripping off his mask , and the two of them knelt over the form , laid face upwards on the earth .
3 ‘ Now , let them fall over the cloth , ’ Azmaveth said , ‘ from a height of two handspans . ’
4 I mean the first couple of days , we spent a lot of time just trying to cool people down and and stop them panicking and er and stop them going over the top .
5 Mr Fordy said : ‘ Our concern is not to catch them going over the bridge but to stop them going over the bridge . ’
6 Mr Fordy said : ‘ Our concern is not to catch them going over the bridge but to stop them going over the bridge . ’
7 One of them reached over the moat to wrench hunks out of the hedge : I jumped backwards when the great muddy wrinkled trunk came swinging over , but Vern did n't , he just went on standing there , staring .
8 Rapidly organised , 3000 cavalry charged up the hill to engage the rebels , and a great number of them went over the cliff into the Chalk Pits .
9 And , and well I remember once there were a whi a few of the men went away to and they got over the stick , you understand what that means ?
10 The crew were in high spirits as they passed over the channel as this was to be their last mission before leave , away from the stress of bombing well protected targets over Germany .
11 Their savings were indeed high by Western standards ( largely because of poor government welfare provision and high and escalating housing costs ) , and they rose over the period from 9 to 16 per cent of their income .
12 When the news finished they bent over the Guardian TV page , deciding what to see next .
13 That was when she 'd wish them luck , as they roared over the village , and she would watch them all until they were silhouetted against the dying sun , small and graceful in an apricot sky .
14 He was serving on the battleship HMS Agincourt during the Battle of Jutland and related how they were in line astern to The Queen Mary and , when the latter was hit in the magazine and blew up , they sailed over the spot without feeling a thing .
15 At the end they drove over the cliff going bye !
16 They drove over the plain , up the rolling road , out of the valley .
17 The giant Bob Burtenshaw , sporting a borrowed naval cap ( Commander Beattie 's ) , swung his walking-stick , his monocle firmly in place , unconcerned by the frenzy of gunfire as they came over the destroyer 's bows .
18 However , his scrap with brother Joey enthralled the crowd and at the finish they came over the line almost together .
19 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
20 They toppled over the chain holding them in place , spilling themselves and their contents into the road .
21 But they differed over the emphasis they accorded to incomes policies , reflation , or tougher measures against the trade unions .
22 As they climbed over the hedge , he was struck by the beauty of the day ; the hedgerows were just coming into leaf and the meadow was dotted with buttercups and daisies .
23 They climbed over the fence like monkeys while the squire and Gray fired at them .
24 No I went off in the car with They climbed over the fence .
25 They followed Molly on to the launch , hitching up their skirts as she did as they swung over the side , taking their places beside her , feeling strange and excited and apprehensive .
26 They then wheeled in unison into a shaft of light which held them for a second or so before they soared over the car and away .
27 They hung over the refrigerator , training forgotten .
28 Unaware of her scrutiny , Penry lay full length , guernsey and shoes discarded , his long , bare feet crossed at the ankles as they hung over the arm of the sofa .
29 They hung over the bridge , dropping stone chippings into the water , and then Charlie said :
30 Well they get over the top , we had them over the top , hanging over the top .
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