Example sentences of "they [verb] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some story about a raid , that was it , them finding ST with a stainless steel jig screwed to his pate , them sticking him in a sack , jig and all .
2 The point dogs catch him and one of them nips him on the leg — take that for being more popular with the boss .
3 On the following Monday some of them pursued him to a review that was taking place on Wimbledon Common , while others went to the City , occupied the Royal Exchange and picketed the coffee houses , carrying placards reading More Wages .
4 A similar reason was given for refusing the remedy to a convicted prisoner who brought an action against the Home Secretary and the prison governor requiring them to provide him with the necessary medical treatment in accordance with the Prison Rules .
5 George , at one stage , tried to get up , but one of them hit him over the head with his rifle .
6 If he is in a bargaining mood , he might like to ask them to furnish him with a new typewriter .
7 In November 1819 the poverty of Kitto 's family finally forced them to send him to the workhouse , where he was set to learn shoe making .
8 He again went to see them and persuaded them to accompany him to a meeting at the police station with Mr McLean on August 24 .
9 After Charlie had finished dressing , he found Sal and Kitty waiting for him by the front door , but he refused to allow them to accompany him to the station , despite their tearful protest .
10 She liked flowers , liked even more the thought behind them , but Gaily only remembered when he caught them staring him in the face — or in the feet , as now .
11 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
12 They got him in the boat and they he had to lie down in the bottom of the boat and they and they covered him with a tarpaulin .
13 ‘ His parents were too poor to keep him so they lent him to a forester .
14 They laid him on the cool grass and bathed his forehead .
15 Eventually , they laid him on the bed in his own room , and undressed him .
16 Following this , they laid him on the bed again , and when he started to groan May said , ‘ He 'll live , ’ and turning and looking at Mrs Funnell , she added , ‘ Unfortunately , ’ before marching out of the room .
17 I think sometimes I ca n't help but think it 's how they made him in a way , you know , like I , you , sometimes your , I think you should sit down and play with something , but he wo n't sit quiet and amuse himself
18 They battered him over the head and threatened him with a shotgun .
19 They asked him for a swimming pool and a better playground , but he was n't making any promises .
20 Lionan , the dandy , was talking behind his hand to the brutal Mullach , who was gulping his beer moodily and staring at the serving maids as they passed him in a bustling procession .
21 The rich merchant thought the children should always salute him and call him ‘ sir ’ when they passed him in the street .
22 Many aspects of his analysis were similar to those advanced by Blauner , but they led him to an opposite conclusion .
23 They led him through the great court and round the cloister to the flank of the east end of the church , where the mitred graves of the abbots lay .
24 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
25 They sit him in the rocking-chair in front of the hearth , to rock himself back and forth as he muses out loud about the enslavement of man by natural technology .
26 It 's followed by more noise , sharp and ugly , as they drag him into the kitchen .
27 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
28 They attacked him with a gun barrel before escaping .
29 They grab him in a bearhug from behind .
30 They approached him at a steady pace as though unconcerned by his presence , but they went in single file , Allen with his hand lying lightly on the knife at his belt and Marian carrying her bow , strung , and with an arrow ready notched , lightly and inconspicuously in her left hand .
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