Example sentences of "they [verb] get [to-vb] it " in BNC.

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1 Erm they began the union just before I left Bellany and of course it was cried down and erm they had meetings and the lot , and then all the miners were on strike at the time , and er my father and brother were both miners and er my brother was very friendly with Mr and Mr next door and er anyway er we decided to come out on strike for Bellany 's union and of course erm they , the , one , I think it was Mr said Joey he said er did you know we 're out on strike here and my brother said it seemed to be catching does n't it he did n't say he could n't say I worked there you see but erm it , it caused an upset but still up to a point the unions were good because we 're all badly underpaid for what we did , and the hours we worked they would n't tolerate it nowadays , but erm I forget er I joined the union and if you did n't you were a blackleg you know you , they wanted you to join the union from then I 've been in the union all , until I finished work but erm they , they got us our rises and er as I say the , the money was n't er very good and then the union did fight for the rises and they 'd got to pay it or lose all the er employees but erm I was , I was satisfied with without it , I 've been satisfied with my life you know I 've had , there 's been humorous there 's been sad but erm I 'm still able to get around and that 's the main thing .
2 ‘ Now those players are saying , ‘ we are producing the goods ’ — and while there are people knocking on the door , they 've got to open it .
3 Now they 've got to do it for themselves .
4 I 've told them I will help with advice , but I ca n't commit one dollar , they 've got to do it themselves . ’
5 Well they 've got to do it anyway .
6 They 've got to do it , but I mean
7 They 've got to do it immediately .
8 They 've got to do it till Friday
9 I 'm not , I 'm not just blaming them all the time , I mean , the situation is , when they go out on the field , they are their own men , I ca n't do anything about there , I ca n't talk for them out there ; I can only put it on in training , and when they get out there , they 've got to do it theirselves .
10 Cos obviously if you having an operation they 've got this tube down your throat and your mouth starts filling up with saliva , they 've got to suck it out .
11 So presumably they 've got to manage it themselves
12 Nick Wirth says its like dribbling the ball around the goalmouth … they 've got to put it in the net … he 's confident but not over confident … they will do their best
13 They 've got to fill it up a bit .
14 And so it 's keeping up the the good work that 's of of lobbying MPs to such a degree that they they 've got to back it which is what 's brought it to its second reading as one of the most popular er private member 's bills in history .
15 no especially wearing glasses like that they ca n't knock it down , but they 've got to move it , well how they gon na do that then ?
16 So really you know it leaves them and erm they 've got to prove it erm .
17 Then tell the boys they 've got to keep it tight
18 They 've got to face it if they 're to inflict it . ’
19 I know , they 've got to get it made !
20 He told me it was still there and that he 'd been told he 's got to write to them today and they 've got to get it taken off within twenty eight days .
21 Now it 's another operation — they 've got to chop the straw up in many cases , they 've got to plough it in , remove it from the field if it 's for livestock bedding — so it 's a new operation altogether .
22 They 've got to understand it as well
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