Example sentences of "they [verb] they [vb base] not " in BNC.

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1 which they ca n't , they 've got to get somebody who sees them take them have n't they ?
2 The House Speaker , Tom Foley , and the Senate majority leader , George Mitchell , have urged him to reconsider his stance — even though they concede they do not have the votes to override a veto .
3 they sell them do n't they ?
4 All forty two of them are threatening to leave local authority control and be directly financed from Westminster because they say they have n't got the money to do their jobs .
5 All forty two of them are threatening to leave local authority control and be directly financed from Westminster because they say they have n't got the money to do their jobs .
6 And they say they have n't given the producers their co-operation .
7 They say they do not understand why their headmaster is so intent on persecuting them when 20 Jewish students do not attend school on Saturdays , a normal part of the school week in France .
8 So they , they have that , they , they say they do n't need unions because they 've got a good working relationship .
9 Here at the city 's Tourist Office , they say they do n't want to sell it .
10 They 're lying if they say they do n't .
11 what the hell are you doing , you give them that and if they say they do n't wish to be on the tape you have to erase their voice .
12 Cos they say they do n't get paid enough money for the N H S.
13 They say they do n't like this , used to like nuts .
14 It is a situation of great humiliation for women when they realise they do not possess their bodies except in relation to a man who might give them something — either children or some economic advantage .
15 They complain they do n't get any information .
16 They know they do n't have to endure it , and they know , too , that they do n't have to get married .
17 They may want men in their lives , but they know they do n't necessarily need them .
18 They , they know what they have to do to protect that stock , to protect their life 's interests and they , and they know they do n't need to be told really by any officer here who are not in that not , not in that game , what they have to do that 's what they 're asking us to do and they certainly asked us to do that on the erm , on the tour of county farms that we had only , only a few weeks ago .
19 All credit to them they know they have n't got a big guy apart from Ormanroyd as an outlet player so they 're prepared to be patient and build up and pass the ball al pass their way through .
20 This , of course , does not preclude the buyer from refusing to accept the goods if when they arrive they do not comply with the contract .
21 some of the guys out there , you know , the Russian people do n't want to start anything you know , but also they , they feel they have n't got the technology we have
22 Professionals feel ignorant and at a disadvantage working with patients they feel they do not understand and who , in turn , do not trust them .
23 If they decide they do n't like what she does , they have plenty of time over tea to say so before the painting begins .
24 Do n't put them down cos they go they do n't like
25 Similarly , some organisations do not brief employees properly because they claim they do not have the time to do so .
26 They claim they have n't got enough .
27 Or they pretend they do n't care . ’
28 Or they think they do n't need it .
29 themselves and cut themselves and for , for Allah and whatnot hit and he had two policemen , now if they had , they 're , they 're not allowed to stop you and ask for your identification unless they have policeman with them , but they can arrest you and take you to their police station and they can be quite intimidating and , but they were going round , there was American service in there who have little cards written on it , they said they do n't have to cover their heads they , they 're allowed to do just as well as they please
30 they said they do n't think they 'll be able to do too much at the moment
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