Example sentences of "they [verb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
2 Though they are what is commonly called our enemies , yet , if they make proper use of what I have laboured for , let them enjoy it with the blessing of God .
3 Oh the peedie ones did it four or five or six acre you cut the and bag it the barley to them put it in the er the bagger on the machine you see .
4 ‘ Then tomorrow , you can take it down to the oven and tell them to put it at the bottom , so it -cooks really slowly , to keep it moist . ’
5 Naturally the two officers protest that their girls are different , but Alfonso persuades them to put it to the test .
6 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
7 I know it sounds mad but I suddenly had an image of them doing it on the carpet in the office like a couple of dogs . ’
8 ‘ If they do n't do it in training I ca n't see them doing it on the park . ’
9 Now why , what made them take it to the stage
10 He gave the impression of telling the detectives what had happened and asking them to believe it on the authority of his charm and personality .
11 When it came to fisticuffs Sean Connery was happy to mix it with the best of them — ‘ He believed stuntmen were there to take the knocks and let them have it in the fight scenes , ’ said one .
12 A series which is broadcast each week has a number of features designed into it to help viewers recognise " their " programme and encourage them to watch it at the same time every week .
13 ‘ It is a coincidence that they announced it on the eve of my press conference , ’ he admitted .
14 If very dirty they lay it in the stream , securing it with a large stone , and let the water flow through it for some time , after which they proceed as before … the linen is spread upon the rocks in the river , or the walls near at hand , and secured , like everything else by a stone at each corner …
15 It spread to the Chinese around 2 , years ago and then reached Japan where they cultivated it into the art form it is today .
16 There was a ditch the other side of it , which should present no problems provided they met it on the right stride .
17 tt They 'd got two handles which was b made it mobile , two wheels , and used it Have four sacks at the end of this threshing engine , hanging on little hooks , and and a bloke there seeing that it got filled alright and it when it was full , they used to run this thing underneath a sack , crank it up by hand , like that , till they got it to the required height , then nestle it on their shoulders , you see there was a There 's a there 's an art in carrying c In carrying coal and there 's an art in carrying corn and there 's an art in carrying beef .
18 When they got it to the surface , they had seen a writhing mass of jelly , from which two fierce eyes had peered at them .
19 Oh well they got it during the War .
20 They got it out the back of my hand .
21 The design team under Hugh Lasson and Misha Black ( both later knighted ) were right in believing that there was hunger for visual stimulation among the British and they got it in the form of sculpture , murals and mobiles by Moore , Hepworth , Piper , Sutherland , Topolski and Epstein as well as a pedestrian precinct which was all grilles and screens and balls and decks and terraces and fountains and colour .
22 So , I mean , er it 's the proof old folks that get it , they got it in the war time , they had to starve in war time to feed their children .
23 For those people who can sever their own feet and lurch away , they got it round the neck later from a special breed of Tightness that lives in the baskets of flowers up lamp posts .
24 Did they make it on the premises ?
25 The South Koreans are rated because they made it to the last World Cup finals , but personally I will always think of the North Koreans in ‘ 66 .
26 But they made it to the boat , which sailed in the early hours of 1 September , two days before war was declared .
27 They made it to the winning post fairly creditably .
28 They made it to the end of the road in Bombay where all the cars had to be steam cleaned inside and out for the last leg of the journey .
29 And here 's how they made it to the semi-finals ; not an easy run , Wakefield was their last step .
30 Frankie 's fall reflected the way they made it in the first place , through marketing rather than live performance .
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