Example sentences of "they [verb] be [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now if you 've got somebody who you are protecting their family , and they 'll be paying that plan twenty five years or more , the fact that they pay commissions out for the first four years is immaterial , what they want is peace of mind and protection .
2 S but what they say is part of his managerial status demanded him having a company car to which I was given one as well but in effect that then became his wife 's because he was still banned for drink driving .
3 The Palestinians , many of whom are desperate as a result of roots in the poverty of the refugee camps , hold few cards other than their determination not to be subdued and the ‘ armed struggle ’ through which this determination is sometimes expressed ; what they seek is recognition of some form of statehood on Palestinian soil .
4 Both the Augustinians and Dominicans sought to combine the qualities of actives and contemplatives in their way of life and teaching ; they stressed the need for penance and man 's dependence on God 's grace for that illumination of understanding through faith and love that they believed was knowledge of God .
5 They 'd been friends for some time when I first knew them but I did n't realise how long .
6 They 'd been part of an 8-man patrol , call sign Bravo-2-0 , whose task was to seek and destroy the mobile Scud launchers with which Saddam Hussein was attacking Israel .
7 They 'd been almost-friends for six years .
8 It took something away from everyone , whether they 'd been IP in the past or not .
9 They 'd been lovers for some time , apparently .
10 There was so much to say , and if they 'd been face to face she would have poured it all out , but as it was …
11 All these arguments assumed , throughout their long careers , that the settled practices they challenged were orthodoxies of common conviction , not ground rules of convention .
12 The touching love letters they exchanged are testimony to that growing bond of affection .
13 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
14 This they decided was evidence for neutrons coming from the cell .
15 When Frobisher sailed to the north of America in 1576 , inspired by hopes of finding a north-west passage to India or China in the way that hopes of finding a north-east passage had led to the voyage that opened up the Muscovy trade , he and his backers were excited to find what they thought was gold on the route .
16 After all , they 've been friends for sixteen years , and have worked together for eleven of them …
17 That is , people tend to forget either in a motivated way , or accidentally , people will tend to minimise or trivialise the abuse to which they 've been subject in some cases because maybe saying that you 've been sexually abused as a child and that is why you 're so screwed up at the moment um that 's not necessarily a very self-benefiting thing to say .
18 They 've been sort of so falsely jolly in the past , it sickens me .
19 But inevitably they 've been sort of thrown in a corner and people have fiddled around with them like I 've fiddled around with this and we find we got what , twenty or thirty of these missing .
20 And they gave ITN a film to smuggle out which they said was proof of beatings .
21 The minority , which could muster only 160 votes against the majority 's 855 , displayed considerable bitterness towards what they said was pressure on them to accept independence , and threats that they would lose their jobs or worse .
22 They had been friends for eight long years , and now they had reached the parting of the ways .
23 They had been friends for two years , best friends Jessica might have said , with her formal , respectable private education in County Down , but some of their actions and their attitudes were miles apart , centuries , planets .
24 They had been friends for long enough , they 'd been to school together for a little while until geography had pushed them apart , then they 'd met up again as older teenagers , both interested in bars and snooker , then in girls .
25 After a heart-to-heart talk , she had gently ordered him home for the rest of the week , and since that time they had been friends in a reserved sort of way .
26 It had been forty years since he had first met Felicity ; they had been students at the Sorbonne reading a course entitled ‘ Civilisation francaise ’ , paid for by their indulgent fathers .
27 The windows were barred with white painted shutters covered with curtains of crimson velvet , her feet rested on a Turkey carpet and the walls were as thickly covered with pictures as if they had been pages in a stamp collection .
28 Yet when I emerged from that heaven-haven of sexual absolution , I would feel guilty , frightened , torn between happiness at being liberated from overwhelming sexual tension and the scared wonder of the events , as if they had been rituals in a half-remembered primitive religion .
29 In the event , permission was given for Paisley and Beattie to go forward because they had been members of the Stormont Parliament before it had been suspended .
30 They used the Latin script , and they had been part of the western world from the time of the Roman Empire .
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