Example sentences of "they [verb] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And it 's always a good idea to let them think you 've got better enchantments in your armoury than you actually have , if you take my meaning , even if you have n't got any enchantments at all .
2 Most of them say they 've learned from the experience .
3 ‘ Some of them say they have lost £1,000 in revenue since the scheme was implemented . ’
4 On balance she thought it would be more fun to show herself , and let them know she 'd overheard their conversation .
5 I find some offences disgust me , Im let the guy know , but then I let them know I want to help them
6 If on the other hand it was the morning fire of the returning verderers it would be possible for Hugh to stumble back to them pretending he had failed to recapture his prisoner .
7 Even if you are only seeing a few people there should be someone to greet them on arrival and make them feel they have come to the right place on the right day .
8 An amazing 98 of them stated they had lost inches from areas they had considered difficult to slim or had found impossible to reduce previously .
9 She 'll give a pound coin to one of the tinkers ’ children when there 're dozens of them running round , and she 'll let them see she 's got lots more pound coins , and then she has to give them all one or they 'll bang her on the head and take them . ’
10 One look was sufficient to make them realise they had made a dreadful mistake .
11 But having a woman on the wing makes them realise they have hurt real people , they see me as a real person
12 Though arrested in Denmark , Britain , France and Spain for narcotics and arms offences , al-Kassar had made himself too valuable an asset to European and American intelligence agencies for them to allow him to go to waste in prison , so that he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance matched only among international criminals by his partner , Rifat Assad , younger brother of the Syrian president , who also owned a villa outside Marbella , and whose daughter , Raja , was al-Kassar 's mistress .
13 And if you do n't do that , once you let them go you 've had it , so it is very important .
14 This afternoon they announced they intend to adjourn tomorrow night 's AGM .
15 If they failed they get told and they do n't get a certificate do they ?
16 Before they met she had accepted her call-up into the armed forces because it was one of the things that happened in wartime ; accepted it because it was a moral necessity .
17 I gathered , however , that they expected it to continue to get worse and that there was nothing they could do except give me vitamins .
18 Yeah , they got they 'd got half hour 's drive from Minehead and that their car broke down , they had to go up , they had to call the , was it the A are they ?
19 They use so much petrol on a taxi business they got she 's got about a dozen still I think .
20 The couple were taken to police headquarters for questioning where they admitted they had picked up a man on the night of 10 July by the harbour but did not know him and had only given him a lift into town .
21 ‘ The Tobolsk police , when they realized they had got an Englishman , rang Moscow .
22 The rest of the lads got a fair distance down the freeway en route to Toronto before they realised they 'd lost him , went back , and found him still sitting there like a tit in a trance nodding away to his Walkman .
23 Yeah er and they made you wait wait an hour , duck .
24 And er erm they saw me on the you know television programme and they asked me to go go to the school and
25 If they asked me to say thank you very much at the end of a shit interview I would n't , and if they did n't like it , I 'd probably leave .
26 They asked me to help dress the models who wandered around showing clothes to the ladies having afternoon tea in the restaurant , and after a bit I did some modelling myself .
27 Quite why this put the scrutineers in a dilemma I do n't know , but they asked me to protest to get them off the hook .
28 They asked me to consider standing myself , ’ he says , ‘ but I 'm 67 and I thought that was too old . ’
29 So they asked they wanted to know how , how we got the tape .
30 the employer and I asked him what documents they produced , what report they produced we have written a letter about it , but I formally call for any report or document from and the second thing he mentioned were letters from about twelve members of parliament that they received
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