Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 After that everything between them became easy for the time being .
2 Accompanied by two of his closest advisers , foermer Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda and Sanya Dharmasakdi , he appealed to them to work together for the sake of the people and the economy .
3 In their early twenties they had a group called the Actors and RCA records asked them to come in for a meeting .
4 Jenny let them spin on for a while ; but she was above all things a sensible girl and had no desire to find herself irretrievably stuck .
5 The women lived with it — some of them came here for a week and then went back to it .
6 Yes and and then when the lifeboat came , the Eday and and Sanday and them a lot of them came across for the dances , the lifeboat dances , it was really I would say the best time
7 The world is full of stray cats , many of them searching hopefully for a new home .
8 The fact that so many of them played together for the Lions will be an important help . ’
9 No , the , the , the extension of them going up for the cup and all , that 's what it was .
10 And that was for them going just for the day .
11 There should be no more nonsense about one or other of them moving out for a matter of days or weeks only for the unsatisfactory relationship to resume just as unsatisfactorily as before .
12 In this case I usually get them running round for a while jumping , hopping , walking backwards and also get them to shout some calls .
13 And booksellers were ready for it with pretty much the right books at the right prices to enable them to compete effectively for the consumer 's cautiously placed pound .
14 But he said to Bella , ‘ Yes , he told me , after , that he was dead drunk once , in Portsmouth , when he was on leave from the Navy , and he 'd had them tattooed on for a bet . ’
15 A few developed a liking for the racecourse and as it had been drummed into them to dress correctly for every occasion , somehow they managed to provide themselves with the obligatory long trailing gowns by lending each other clothes and accessories ; they appreciated the elegance of their suave escorts in tail coats and top hats .
16 ‘ I do enjoy my job serving the customers because of the way some of them ask sheepishly for a jokey item , ’ says Jenny .
17 As they became confident , she moved them into faster and more daring exhibitions , inciting them to dive skilfully for a titbit or a ‘ lure ’ .
18 There are no hotel bills , they chip in for the petrol and food and everybody 's happy . ’
19 Hurley had not forgiven him for the loss of Syrian George , and he was still under heavy pressure from Washington to show results , but in general Coleman made sure they got along for the sake of his back-channel reports to MC/10 Control .
20 Before the members of the cast separated to check out of their lodgings on that last night of the provincial tour before moving in for a run at a West End theatre they got together for a few drinks on stage .
21 But the Signpost Hotel Guide survey of 300 hotel owners showed that fewer people are bothering use a false name when they book in for an illicit weekend .
22 They lived together for a long time ; she bore him children — who took after their mother and turned out to be demons too .
23 Many people will not realise that there is a property element built in and that they qualify only for the 25 per cent .
24 Everyone made it back to the rendezvous where they laid up for the day , returning in the evening to pick up the SBS group which had managed to deal with the radio station .
25 Well to tell you the truth , I went to own school , when it was er winter , when it comes the winter , they bate somewhere for the winter , do you see ?
26 They cared little for the landscape in which they worked .
27 Considering themselves to be superior , they cared little for the ordinary person and looked down on the sinners .
28 And they make up for a curtailed visual field by being able to rotate their heads through 180° .
29 ‘ Piece of cake , ’ Nails agreed as they lined up for the first time on the pool edge .
30 Bands like Curve and the Sundays float careers on their female vocalists ' cheekbones , playing down their looks even as they pose bashfully for the cover of yet another music magazine .
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