Example sentences of "they [verb] [be] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were allowed to see it for one hour , before it was taken back , and none of them has been able to get hold of it since .
2 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
3 Unlike other countries in Europe , teachers ' pay and status in Britain is not high and the support and assistance they receive is minimal compared to counterparts in Germany and France .
4 A group like this that can offer parents the chance to pay according to what they earn is able to offer full day care for 45 pounds .
5 His family was so poor that they 'd been obliged to sell him .
6 Thanks to Charlie boy , they 'd been able to splash a bit on the wedding and Marilyn could have the white satin and the four bridesmaids she 'd set her heart on .
7 It must have been hard for her — uprooted and transported to a strange country — not to know what was happening to her and her mother , apart from the fact that somehow or other they 'd been able to join up again with the father .
8 fortunately they 'd been able to pay for by the .
9 The amazed faces of little children as they arrived were wonderful to see .
10 LEAs are empowered to take such steps as they consider are necessary to prevent the breakdown or continuing breakdown of discipline at a school , a power which the Elton Committee urges them to invoke when the situation warrants it .
11 Um , it 's one of these things that erm y'know for some reason er the person they tell is apt to minimise the problem , is apt to say that the accusations are malicious , is apt to say that you must have imagined it and so on and so forth .
12 They like being able to afford French champagne , to send their children to schools in France or to take holidays on the French Riviera .
13 But in a statement , they said bail had been granted ’ because the conditions they imposed were sufficient to prevent further offending . ’
14 The queen mother 's religious views and those of the French advisers she gathered around her did little to allay the reformers ' fears ; nor would they have been happy to know that on Mary 's marriage in 1558 to the Dauphin , who the following year became King Francis II , she secretly signed an agreement that if she should die childless her kingdom of Scotland and her claim to the throne of England should become her husband 's .
15 Would they have been old fashioned records , the seventy eights ?
16 They say land values are going to soar and are incensed at Costner 's demand that local laws be changed to raise the maximum gambling stake from £3 to £60 — a move they feel is certain to attract crime .
17 ‘ My dear , they 'll do whatever they feel is necessary to do .
18 And people are sometimes aware that the kind of stress they feel is different depending on what the stressful circumstances are .
19 They captured several outposts and with the arms they gathered were able to equip larger forces .
20 Research conducted by a team at Bristol University asked a sample of the population in London what weekly income they thought was necessary to stay out of poverty .
21 Let's face it , a factory or studio or even a taxi firm that has fun in what they do is likely to communicate more , work more co-operatively and generally loosen up.There 's a hell of a way to go in changing our businessmen ( and women ) from the habits of macho corporatism but with fun as the name of the new game , the future looks rosy .
22 Sensing how this might have harmful repercussions , Halloran and co-workers asked : ‘ How long will peaceful demonstrators seeking a new mode of expression be content to demonstrate peacefully when whatever they do is likely to get the negative treatment ? ’ ( ibid.:317 ) .
23 Now researchers at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine in Oxford say they have found what they call a candidate gene which they think is likely to make someone vulnerable to asthma .
24 Get a divorce they , they 've never been happy at all since they 've been married have they ?
25 Well do do n't look as if they 've been used does it ?
26 They 've been I putting the money into the tube and forgetting the dockets .
27 Y'know that somehow um , perhaps rather like the psychoanalytic notion of repression , something like that , somehow um er they 've been unable to remember for a number of years , possibly even decades , and er something triggers it .
28 Avon and Somerset Police told us they 've been monitoring the situation closely , but so far they 've been unable to press criminal charges .
29 And I hope that members appreciate as I say , the range and scale of work , which is that , you will also have seen that they 've been able to open now one evening a week , and for a very small service with a budget of about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds , erm they are doing sterling work .
30 Because er it 's marvellous what they 've been able to do .
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