Example sentences of "they [verb] [pron] at the " in BNC.

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1 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
2 ‘ Then tomorrow , you can take it down to the oven and tell them to put it at the bottom , so it -cooks really slowly , to keep it moist . ’
3 A series which is broadcast each week has a number of features designed into it to help viewers recognise " their " programme and encourage them to watch it at the same time every week .
4 When Mrs Gray had produced two very passable cups of coffee , they seated themselves at the long deal kitchen table .
5 The Pollexton dynasty had finished by 1747 , and from then on various relations spurned Mothecome until eventually they sold it at the end of the eighteenth century to a Mildmay forbear .
6 Yeah well they , they sold it at the wrong ti I mean they built it the wrong time did n't they ?
7 They stopped me at the border and arrested me . ’
8 O'Toole and Finch even attended his funeral but — probably having drunk a little more than they 'd meant to , to ease their grief — they found themselves at the wrong funeral and mourning over the wrong body being buried .
9 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
10 and then er they they found it at the polic , the police station
11 After sorely abusing the corpse , they buried it at the foot of the gallows , intending the burial as a final disgrace .
12 Because of the recent return to figuration in the last ten years there is an enormous interest in British portraiture , but they put on a show like the ‘ Swagger portrait ’ only at the Tate Gallery ; why do n't they do it at the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome ; why not the Palazzo Reale , Milan ?
13 because they do n't give a specific definition as to what a landlord is or a rich peasant or a middle peasant meant that how that there was a lot of flexibility within that and it 's only later that they have to reissue those two documents on how to analyze the classes which erm which had been published in nineteen thirty which they felt that you know the Party 's moving too far away , but why did n't they do it at the time ?
14 It 's difficult to explain , but a part of me never really believed I should see her again , even after what they told me at the theatre .
15 They told me at the hospital that you 've worked with him in the past , so I thought you might be able to help me with my general enquiries . ’
16 Yes , indeed , they told me at the tabac , the old building had stood until a year or so ago .
17 They told me at the desk downstairs that you were here . ’
18 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
19 But especially when they put them at the end of a sentence where they should be putting a full stop .
20 So they got him a tent , and they put it at the top of my mum 's garden .
21 They dropped me at The Pightle door .
22 They joined us at the far end of the church , Benjamin shouting at the Santerres to stand back .
23 His find was still there when they stripped him at the mortuary . ’
24 In fact , they showed me at the back , she 's got the vertical
25 They telephoned me at the St. Ermin 's Hotel , where Mollie and I were staying while our house in Smith Square was under repair , to pledge their support .
26 The best kept secret of this election may be that poll tax collectors plan a massive drive to catch those who have failed to register for poll tax , or those who have registered but failed to pay it , when they present themselves at the polling booths tomorrow .
27 The challenge which Gandhi posed to the British , as they perceived it at the time , was not to their consciences but to their authority .
28 They heard it at the beginning rather than at the end .
29 It 's what they baptized her at the Foundling Hospital . ’
30 So I just stood there while they shouted " Jolly hockey sticks , " across as her , and then Kevin started them off singing , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … , " ever so softly , to the tune of " Auld Lang Syne " till her bus came , and then they sang it at the tops of their voices as she staggered onto the bus and moved down to the back seat .
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