Example sentences of "they [verb] [pron] [verb] got " in BNC.

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1 And it 's always a good idea to let them think you 've got better enchantments in your armoury than you actually have , if you take my meaning , even if you have n't got any enchantments at all .
2 She 'll give a pound coin to one of the tinkers ’ children when there 're dozens of them running round , and she 'll let them see she 's got lots more pound coins , and then she has to give them all one or they 'll bang her on the head and take them . ’
3 Yeah , they got they 'd got half hour 's drive from Minehead and that their car broke down , they had to go up , they had to call the , was it the A are they ?
4 They use so much petrol on a taxi business they got she 's got about a dozen still I think .
5 ‘ The Tobolsk police , when they realized they had got an Englishman , rang Moscow .
6 And , and do they think they 've got everything to gain
7 How many men do they think I 've got ? ’
8 And when you can be clear about what it is you want and be clear what it is they want you 've got more of a chance to get the solution to win win rather than if you 're just interested in your position and your side .
9 As I say , they expect I 've got music , it 's not gon na come as a shock to them .
10 And then he just never went to school and they maintained they 'd got a private .
11 ‘ Labour thought they were going to win a point today — they were rather disappointed when they found they had got it completely wrong . ’
12 If they say we 've got to pay it , well then I 'll have to come back at the council meeting .
13 If they say we 've got co I have n't got copy .
14 They get into discussion with a neighbour on Concorde going to New York and when they get back they say they 've got the finest idea since sliced bread .
15 But it 's not , it 's flourishing and there 's plenty demand ca n't get enough slates and er yes they say they 've got er terrific overheads this and that , er well erm they can put them figures there they change the tune changes every day .
16 They say they 've got the balance right .
17 They say they 've got to be home by nine .
18 They say you 've got ta put the car into Greens and that 's !
19 They say you 've got .
20 I ca n't afford it but they say I 've got to pay it so they 'll take me to court .
21 ‘ Mummy and daddy and my brother Mike and they say I 've got to go with them ! ’
22 But the thing is that now , I mean now that most of them have got some sort of house , an' there 's food an' money around , they know they 're better off but , honest , they know they 've got nothin' as well .
23 The thing is , young officers coming into the force , doing what they 've been taught is their job , the next thing they know they 've got people making complaints against them .
24 Surely this is the kind of appointment which they only decide to make when they know they 've got the right man available .
25 Now I reckon they are doing everything they can to keep me there as long as possible , because when I go they know they 've got a real master-blaster like Chris coming in . ’
26 They know they 've got the law behind them .
27 Got them over , they , they said , they said they know they 've got them over a barrel .
28 They wo n't take me on once they know I 've got a disability . ’
29 Not them other little things cos they know you 've got them at the school .
30 They know you 've got builders there .
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