Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Their officers might experience at times a tension between enjoyment of these qualities and impatience at their collective uncooperativeness , but few of them seem to have become so downhearted that they ceased to enjoy their work .
2 DELEGATES to the International Coffee Organisation meeting in London said they expected to begin drawing up a framework within which economic clauses could eventually be reintroduced into the agreement .
3 Pat in EastEnders and Bet in Coronation Street who were both , I think , wonderful before they got married have really become very boring now that they 've got husbands , and Rita , of course , has been through the terrible chastening and disempowering experience of a ‘ film noir ’ femme fatale .
4 a high proportion of students were delaying job search , mainly because they planned to continue writing up their theses .
5 Proudly , they maintained peace with the white men for seventy years , until finally they became forced to take up arms , the reluctant tormentors of the US Army .
6 Erm in some ways they 're persecuted bu , but they tend to get pushed around from post to post .
7 But politicians generally have very suspicious minds and when things are kept hidden from them they tend to want to know why .
8 But he said when you start paying money just into a building society and then lump sum this and lump sum that they tend to sort of then oh you know , what is actually going on here and they tend to start looking about a bit more .
9 Does they tend to have more gumption , they tend to have to stand up to him in the end .
10 The high-quality arabica beans which they grow have become more popular than the robusta variety grown in Africa and , to some extent , in Brazil .
11 Somewhere between the ages of eight and 10 children 's ideas of what they want to draw become much more ambitious ; in particular , they want their pictures to be more visually realistic and for most of them this ambition far outstrips their skill .
12 corpus , British corpus corporation they want to get have so many millions of spoken words
13 Judging from geological surveys , they expect to have to go down to a depth of 45 metres before they find it .
14 They expect to have sold more than a million IQs worldwide by the end of 1991 .
15 ‘ Most of the children came in during the first two days and our helplines were flooded with calls , but they appear to have calmed down now . ’
16 After two years of marriage , they appear to have given up hope of having a child of their own and have filed adoption papers in Palm Beach , Florida .
17 The simplest are fine earth spots , which stand out like molehills on a lawn and are often defined by rings of large pebbles or stones , which they appear to have shouldered aside .
18 At the time of Pentecost they appear to have numbered around four thousand ( dependent on Josephus , Philo and Pliny ) and to have established communities in most of the villages of Palestine .
19 They tried bringing out political prisoners after rebellions in Britain , they tried kidnapping new recruits , and they tried legislating to keep up the number of white men that planters must employ , but white men still left for England or went on to new parts of the Americas rather than compete against slave labour .
20 However , it is clear that the high levels of stress they reported experiencing did not have disastrous effects on their ability to recall the event .
21 I really thought that was funny because , once you start listening to their music with that in mind , suddenly almost everything they say starts to become very cryptic .
22 They seemed to have landed away from the red paralysis , but as he looked around he could see the castle being encroached upon from all directions by the strange weed .
23 They seemed to have burned up all their lust rather rapidly in their undergraduate years .
24 Well I mean I I think the grafts that they 've done , the major grafts anyway , are finished and er they seemed to have taken really well , so I mean it 's just a matter of time , really , for them to settle .
25 I think the wives found it to their benefit to get amongst other wives who were sharing the same problems you know , how to pay the bills , how to buy food , and I think they seemed to get organized pretty well , they certainly helped us a hell of a lot .
26 Callers phoning a chatline need have no fear of rebuff ; the people they speak to want to talk as much as they do .
27 They 'd planned to stay there a long time and they left fingerprints all over the place
28 They 'd gone flying out of the door leaving her wide open to any sort of hurt .
29 By mutual consent they 'd begun to walk back towards the centre of the city , in the direction of Republic Square .
30 ‘ I think perhaps they 'd begun to get rather fond of one another .
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