Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 so those few that entered most of them got prizes and it was three police forces that entered and they all got awards .
2 In a constructive spirit , I certainly would wish to help them to find work and I am sure that the hon. Gentleman would too , if he will bring those individuals to our attention .
3 But the last thing I wanted was them chasing Zaria and her telling them about the package she was posting .
4 We get out of the car , stomp round to the wheel , look at it , kick it , swear , look at our watch , feel guilty about not having left enough time to cope with the unexpected , open the boot , bang our head on it , swear again , wonder whether it would n't be better to walk to the phone , decide to change the wheel ourselves , lose one of the nuts and eventually arrive at the meeting half an hour late in a filthy temper , and take up the next five minutes explaining that it must have been a sharp chipping off one of those construction lorries and they overload them to save money and they ought to do something about it …
5 They lacked adventure and their first corner came in the 75th minute .
6 Because they , they got grass and they ai n't got
7 training for them , then say after about three or four year if they wan na get married , they got children and they got some good experience .
8 I said , I 'll Well they sell fruit and they sell this and they Well , I said , the I i that 's my trade I said , the fruit and the sweets like you know more .
9 There 's erm well that shop on the left hand , right hand side as you go down , they sell curtains and they 're a bit thin
10 They made chapattis and everything .
11 see that the fact that in Amsterdam they de-criminalized cannabis and they do not have the same kind of problems .
12 Well they they read stuff and they get tape recordings of people talking and they go through and
13 They want space and they would expect it to be one of the bigger cars .
14 Well they want , they want divorce and they 'd rather custody of the children and if they 'll some but she can allow them to take the children away cos the well the media coverage , they 've obviously got they have a law .
15 Superficially , CAB workers have a twofold task : they interview clients and they supply them with information and advice .
16 The South Africans were made to feel at home from the moment they entered Jamaica and they were clearly bewildered by the irony of their having been applauded out on to Sabina Park while Richie Richardson , the West Indies captain , was booed throughout the game .
17 Enid Blyton 's characters do show emotions — they show affection and they get angry — but they are obvious and unrevealing , the writer judging that this shallowness is appropriate for young readers .
18 The magician did n't seem to mind , especially as the two clansmen seemed very much in awe of him although they studied Benjamin and myself like two hawks would chickens , as if savouring the thought of a meal to come .
19 Not if the grocery was three times the size of Findlater 's in Dublin would they send Maire and her sisters there .
20 Well I used to run my business from the teashop in and I ha they put phones and everything in for at the corner table .
21 So what they had done it had a big slab there and it had got on it er The World 's Largest Slate Mine , and perhaps you 've seen it yourself they 've rubbed the T off and they put V and somebody 's done a very good job of it er in the same paint and everything .
22 ‘ They institutionalise high cost structures and production patterns , they restrict flexibility and they constrain the innovative and enterprising producer .
23 Erm they conduct heat and they conduct electricity .
24 The posts may not necessarily be particularly lucrative ( regius professorships are worth £100 a year , religiously paid in quarterly £25 cheques ) , but they are at some of the pinnacles of national life , they open doors and they command respect .
25 Lithuanians have been hit hard economically since they regained independence and his cautious approach to economic reform will have won him much support .
26 Well they like roasties and I did n't realize
27 No this is , cos Marion and Matthew they like Indians and they go both me ma , start again , they like Indian meals and they 've been round to quite a few and they said this is the best one they 've been to .
28 And er this is probably one of the reasons why , as says , they like ritualization and they 're very very tidy about .
29 The girl arrived then with their steaks and there was a welcome break in conversation , during which they observed Deanes and his companion departing from their nearby table .
30 So it seems to me that the existence of death , the fact that organisms do n't live forever , and they certainly are not perfected in terms of personal fitness or survivability , because they get diseases and they die suggests to me that our modern insight into evolution acting on individual genes is , is correct .
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