Example sentences of "they [modal v] be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 3.10 Subject as provided in clause 5.5.3 all fixtures affixed to or installed in the Premises as part of the Tenant 's Works ( other than Tenant 's fixtures ) shall become and remain the property of the Landlord notwithstanding that any of them may be affixed or installed after completion of the Lease The difficulty here is ensuring that both parties know what are tenant 's fixtures and it may be as well to include in a schedule the fixtures to which the landlord is referring .
2 Again , in the evening , times of meals and who is to share them should be decided before she moves in .
3 One of them should be chosen and be put rapidly into effect .
4 You are so shit-scared of homosexuality and so utterly stupid , small-minded and screwed-up that your only reaction to ‘ faggots ’ is that ‘ every one of them should be electrocuted or shot ’ .
5 Not one of them could be described as ordinary .
6 ‘ where two or more persons are jointly entitled to a deposit … each of them shall be treated as having a separate deposit of an amount produced by dividing the amount of the deposit to which they are jointly entitled by the number of persons who are so entitled .
7 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
8 Much therefore depended on which brand of them would be returned and whether , as in the past , they would align themselves with the Conservative Party and accept its whip .
9 Obviously , if probes in this region were deleted one by one , starting from the probes known as repetitive ( containing ribosomal DNA or belonging to telomeres in this case ) , less of them would be deleted and the overlap would be successfully detected .
10 Tito 's negotiators gave assurances that surrendered Croats would be humanely treated and that only " war criminals " among them would be tried and punished [ KP 128 and also Scott 's full account of the episode published in 1946 in Faugh-A-Ballagh , the journal of the Royal Irish Fusiliers ) .
11 If they are caught in its blast , they may be killed or injured . ’
12 ‘ If a hotel is trying to land a major conference , they may be asked if they have BS 5750 accreditation .
13 Any dispensers needed should be fitted and filled on the day of commencement , not before , otherwise they may be misused before their function is known .
14 Food premises will have to be registered so that they may be inspected and action taken if they are considered to be a health risk .
15 Smoothed or polished slices can also be observed directly under cathodoluminescence ( see Chapter 6 ) ; they may be etched or stained for this purpose .
16 They may be exacerbated or their effect may be reduced by circumstances or special considerations .
17 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
18 They may be seen as lacking basic training which can be rectified by the intervention of psychiatrists , psychologists , social workers , probation workers or other similar welfare professionals .
19 Differentiation refers to the positivist assumption that there is something ( preferably measurably ) different about criminals ; they may be seen as differing from non-criminals in terms of their biological or psychological make-up , or in terms of their values , again according to the academic origins of the criminologist concerned .
20 This does not necessarily imply acceptance of these images since they may be seen as unacceptable in their own right .
21 They may be seen as obstructive when restraining rival groups of fans , but the venom and anger characteristic of , for instance , thwarted political demonstrators , is noticeably absent at most football matches .
22 In fact they may be seen as at the root of practically all marital and sexual dissonance .
23 Alternatively , they may be seen as relating to foreign investments which should be translated at the year-end ( the closing rate method ) .
24 They may be summarised as follows : if it appears that facts existed from which a constable could reasonably have anticipated a breach of the peace , as a real and not as a remote possibility , and the constable did in fact anticipate such a breach , he is under a duty to take steps ( whether by arrest or otherwise ) as he reasonably thinks are necessary to prevent the breach of the peace from occurring or , as it may be , from continuing .
25 Girls may be there simply because they are young and things are not working out at home or with their boyfriends , or they may be designated as " ESN " ( educationally sub-normal ) , or have had previous children that they have lost through negligence or ignorance .
26 In this respect , they may be regarded as following Gandhi 's suggestions and advice .
27 They may be regarded as having been , at central government level , ideologically inspired : that is , undertaken either on the view that the possibility of rescuing a failed , conventionally organised enterprise would serve to promote Socialism in a neo-Marxist version of it absolutely opposed to Capitalism , and that the occasion was one which must not be missed even though the odds against success were heavy ; or in a spirit of uncritical idealism , sure that the ideology guaranteed success , that the gloomy appraisal was therefore wrong and the distinction between co-operative means and socialist ends a carping irrelevance .
28 The report says home phone calls can be useful but only in high phone-ownership areas , and they may be regarded as intrusive .
29 When the news breaks they may be pestered and need protection . ’
30 In reality , the changes may be positive for the staff , but they may be perceived as negative ( there is also the possibility that change will be negative and resistance to change is therefore a positive thing ) .
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