Example sentences of "they [be] still [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The Etruscans remained mysterious to the Greeks — one of the many reasons why they are still mysterious to us .
2 It already makes black and white displays in the US , but demand for notebook personal computers with colour displays is growing , and Sharp says it would rather make these locally than export them from Japan , where they are still subject to perverse US anti-dumping duties .
3 Despite the fact that the five polytechnics under the control of the ILEAPCL , North London Polytechnic , Polytechnic of the South Bank , City of London Polytechnic , and Thames Polytechnic enjoy corporate status , they are still subject to detailed financial regulation by the ILEA , a situation which PCL has certainly found petty and restrictive .
4 The proposals are contained in a White Paper , and as such they are still subject to changes being made to them .
5 It is unlikely that employees ( who are not shadow directors ) owe such a high level of duty to the company , though they are still subject to a lower duty of good faith and of confidentiality .
6 However , they are still vulnerable to predators that dig .
7 They are still close to their banks , but the bankers kowtow to them , not the other way around .
8 The doubter knows that his beliefs are true , but they are still unreal to him .
9 You know you could say these scale checks , they 're , but they 're still urgent to be done .
10 But they were still respectful to the Emperor ; as fellow-Muslims they were part of the group that had dominated India for centuries , and it is unlikely that he was nearly as worried by their attitude as he was by the threat of Persian invasions like the one that led to Delhi being captured and plundered in 1739 , or by the rebellious Marathas of western India , Hindu in religion and devoted to cavalry raids to plunder their neighbours .
11 They were still proud to be British with powerful national variants in Wales , Scotland , and especially Northern Ireland .
12 Edmunds claimed no contract was signed for the album but the band argued they were still entitled to a share of the earnings .
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