Example sentences of "they [be] and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They can be told some of the pre-requisites , and have to work out the others out-of-role before starting — perhaps they are told who they are and what has happened , and they have to agree where and when the situation is taking place .
2 They are what they are and I do n't see how they can change their style .
3 they tell us how scared they are and I do n't like listening to it I getting sick of it now .
4 Well if I know who they are and I do n't know where they come from I 'll just put who they are day I were talking to them and dash it .
5 until there pushed home after long erm bit too much , to being together to often sometimes ruins the love , er loving means you except the person completely for what they are and you do n't mind , they are what they are and your , you care for them like that .
6 Yeah well the thing about Simon that 's excellent is that he just accepts people for what they are and he does n't judge people
7 ‘ They have a basic need to know that someone loves them , but some of these children are not secure about who they are and who loves them .
8 Says Jim Cummins : ‘ Kids who are proud of who they are and who have no ambivalence about that have no problems in school ’ .
9 Not with a thing like a outputs of aspirin , I mean everyone in Boots knows what the outputs of aspirin are just strange that they are in fact three times what we 'd thought they were and we 've course there 's Crooks , course there 's this , course there 's that tremendous discernment , tremendous understanding but if you have n't got that tremendous understanding , you 've just joined the company , you think you know something and you do n't because not what they think they are
10 Of course they were and they failed , and they failed to penetrate the defence
11 And in the evening I looked for them , and then I saw them of course , I knew where they were and I thought quite longly we were right in the front .
12 No I said erm I had a conversation with Gillian about reading , about little bits of reading and , I made the point that we 'd said last night about him barking at print , reading through words that he did n't know and not asking what they were and she said she 'd noticed that .
13 So I says , oh I says , saying what they were and she said , oh , she said , and I 've got some mugs Auntie Elsie bought you and a bit after and she said , she said , there 's them four mugs for Angela .
14 Some of them smelt of oil or grease of a kind she did n't recognize I gave her a few samples from the labs without telling her what they were and she picked out gun oil as being the nearest .
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