Example sentences of "they [be] [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Virginia Bottomley , a health minister , said many of the 3,000 people sleeping rough in the city might have stayed at home had they been given enough attention earlier .
2 Good stakes can last a long time , but it does help if they are cut some months before they are used , and well seasoned .
3 Although many solicitors offer fixed fee interviews they are given little publicity beyond referral lists and notices in some solicitors ' offices .
4 However , they are given little guidance as to how they should go about undertaking such projects .
5 They are given several balloons and the object is to try and hit them over the heads of the team opposite and onto the floor .
6 Supply teachers are more effective and happier when they are given some guidance on routines and expectations .
7 Politicians of the majority party without ministerial office find themselves frustratingly shut out from a decision making process into which they are given few insights .
8 Where they are denied this opportunity , their worship is likely to be uninspired and lacking in energy .
9 Cantona has become so attractive to Leeds that they are expected this week to offer him a two or three-year contract , and Nimes , his French club , a further £800,000 , when the striker 's loan period expires at the end of the season .
10 Moreover , the way that question is answered can change the course of history , it can condemn millions to bloody war , or it can do much to ensure that they are spared that misery .
11 Societies should always be aware when they are launched that life is not always sweetness and light when the pressure is on and constitutions should be framed so that disputes do arrive the framework for settlement already exists .
12 Every time they choose the correct pair they are allowed another turn .
13 I do n't think there is an overall meaning to be got by the symbolism of hands , though they are used many times to mean different things with many characters though in some cases what makes them symbolic is because it is hands that are being referred to and not another part of the anatomy .
14 They 're anti-social , handicapped people , and they 're kept that way .
15 So there 's a period of six weeks when they 're given some time to settle in and after that period there 's a review date set where myself , the supervisor , the key worker , the client , the client 's social worker in the community and family or anybody close will be invited .
16 And women who are admitted for surgery respond better when they 're given more information .
17 Well they 're they 're made that way are n't they ?
18 Same as all farm work , see , farm work They do n't know as they 're born these days , these youngsters do n't , when they come to talking about farming .
19 Cos they were replacing it with a radial , they 're transferred that stock onto the other end product number .
20 So no matter what they do they 're lumbered all way round are n't they ?
21 They were replenished each evening with barrels of muddy water brought from the lake on donkey carts .
22 In the Gulf , in addition to the Kleenex , everywhere they went , no matter what time of day , they were given little cups of very strong coffee to drink .
23 US officials admit that they knew about the coup plans as early as last Saturday , but say they were given little time to judge its chances of success or to plan any US involvement .
24 What we do n't know , of course , is how they organized their living accommodation , whether they ever got paid , they were given these sort of , £ tickets that were supposed to be honoured later on , but as far as we can make out , they hardly ever were , erm and how the people got on , we just have to use our imagination , but it is interesting that here for instance in these three , we actually apart from anything else have two women house-holders , who are obviously erm women who are carrying on business of some independence .
25 Some of these children , if they were given this attention over a two year period , could overcome this and go into the secondary school able to cope and take their place alongside the other children , and this is desperately important .
26 They were given some money , and told to divide it into two accounts , one ‘ private ’ , one ‘ public ’ .
27 Giles 's proposal to make them subservient to government agents was rejected , but they were given some responsibility for supervising the work of both the regular police and the headmen , who were now designated the ‘ rural police ’ .
28 Educated Africans , he saw , would only fully accept European rule if they were given some access to the central institutions of government .
29 Subjects heard sentences from four different sets , in random order , and after a distractor task , were given a forced-choice recognition test in which they were given both sentences they had originally heard and new sentences which were constructed either by combining information from within a set , or combining information from different sets .
30 They were shriven this morning , Friar , ’ the soldier interrupted .
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