Example sentences of "they [be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Objects are defined by their function , while actions and those who perform them are viewed as connected parts of a greater whole .
2 We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist , authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming .
3 There may be 32m cars on the road in a country of 123m people — but , as yet , only 6% of them are fitted with compact-disc players .
4 These researches and others like them are based on innumerable hours of field study in remote places .
5 The WISARD machine and logical neural nets have structure and function resembling multi-layer perceptrons , but the individual nodes in them are made from 1-bit direct access memories .
6 Erm Of the total of goods that are sold in industrialized countries , such as , that have been manufactured , only three percent of them are made in developing countries .
7 Now , with Government aid , most of them are employed in new light industries .
8 It is an important implication of this that they are never a matter of how the things which have them are related to other things .
9 Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime .
10 Those lysines in GH5 with an asterisk above them are protected against chemical modification in chromatin .
11 Three-quarters of these offences each year are ‘ cleared up ’ , and it transpires that most of them are committed by young males aged between 14 and 29 .
12 Another reason why you should never go near the line is that many of them are used by electric trains .
13 Rereading More Women than Men , I ask myself each time whether the relations between them are suggested with extreme subtlety , or whether something is lacking .
14 The disk is round , sack-like and often raised up , diameter up to 9 mm ; covered with small semi-transparent scales , many of them are armed with large simple rods .
15 Such enterprises now account for more than 60 per cent of industrial employment in countries as far apart as Ghana and Tanzania ; more than half of them are located in small towns and villages , and the extended family is their most important source of labour ; they contribute at least a quarter of total manufacturing output ; and typically they employ between one and ten workers .
16 Because there are no constraints placed upon the timing of the volunteer 's activities in such a time-free environment , these are called free-running experiments and the rhythms measured during them are known as free-running rhythms .
17 ‘ By all means let there be challenges for the promotion of better health , but let them be based on sound reasoning .
18 Let them be listed in increasing order as unc [ so that unc etc . ] .
19 I mean how have they been seen by local mu community ?
20 A number of the tournaments to which you refer in your article had reduced entries because they are conflicted with other new events and not because of deteriorating interest .
21 Darwinian , genetical evolution takes place because genes are passed on from one generation to the next , and if some genes build better bodies than others , they are favoured by natural selection , become commoner , and evolutionary change will take place .
22 Sadly , they are vitiated by technical problems .
23 Made of upright panels , they are mounted in attractive solid beech wood frames giving a beautiful surround to samples on pictures .
24 Foremost is the fact that although the exhibitions are non-profit making , they are perceived as commercial exercises , more entertainments than museums .
25 They are usually so directly continuous with the tergum that they are regarded as postero-lateral outgrowths of that region .
26 Moreover , they are regarded as valuable collectors ' items , not toys .
27 Integrated circuits are so-called because they are manufactured as complete circuits .
28 They are manufactured from artificial grass that is sand based so that they are more receptive to well- hit shots .
29 When the cheques are presented for payment at Midland , they are converted at current exchange rates and charged to your account .
30 In essence these are stand-alone management procedures except they are printed on pink paper .
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