Example sentences of "they [adv] [conj] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd brought home some hairs from the cross on the back of a donkey when she was cutting her teeth , and Ma had made a little black silk bag to put them in so they could hang round her neck to keep the funny turns away .
2 I bet you feel like a now , give them in when they ca n't truss them du n no .
3 They stared in surprise and she said in a tired voice , ‘ Oh it does n't matter , I suppose , not the old skull , but he 's run me ragged just lately , picking up things round the house and putting them down where they should n't be .
4 The words ‘ I ask you , son , to care for the lands which will come to you with your usual diligence and look after them so that they may come to your sons ’ , although they do not sufficiently express a trust but advice rather than obligation to leave the lands , are none the less regarded as having the force of a trust in favour of the grandsons after the death of their father .
5 So what I was gon na say was , that , that partic , partic er participant observations typically involves actually living with the , the study for a fair amount of time , so erm although they might tell you a pack of lies initially you can actually observe what they 're like , what they do and see whether they fit what they 've said and as time goes on you ha hope to develop some kind of rapport with them so that they might totally understand .
6 John 's aim had been to frighten them so that they would not again attack Derek .
7 If there are relatives and friends , arrangements will often be made to suit them so that they can attend .
8 Then in the machine shop we mill and grind them and bore holes in them so that they can be assembled into more complex products , like engines .
9 Starting at the top , carefully remove the stones or bricks , and stack them so that they can be replaced in the correct position
10 I mean you may have to support them through a sort of bad patch , but the idea is to erm get them so that they can look after themselves , you know .
11 If there are any errors or admissions , however , we are very sorry and would be pleased to hear of them so that they can be rectified in next year 's list .
12 On his return to France he was so enthusiastic about them that he even planted a trial field and let the local population steal them so that they could experience this new vegetable for themselves .
13 The faces of the three nearly touched , as the two men leant over the table to hear what the woman had to say , and the woman leant over towards them so that they could hear her whisper .
14 In the cold dawn , with the wind pushing them so that they could hardly face each other , the King and his wife met on the slope above the battered hall .
15 We pick two factors two numbers that would make you multiply them together and they would make three sixty .
16 Neighbour Muriel Harding-Newman , 79 , said : ‘ We could see the cows were stamping and kicking and that someone was trying to push them away but they would n't move .
17 If they stay silent , their dialects will never give them away and they can be whoever they like . ’
18 Misunderstanding and lack of trust — People do not understand its implications and perceive that it might cost them more than they will gain .
19 If it started to snow , say at four o'clock , we would have what we called snowmen — and we would knock them up and they would come running to get a day 's work in the snow .
20 Yeah there 's our Action Line are doing a a bit list of bonfires and you can ring them up and they 'll tell you where to go .
21 When you are able to do this with the major scales , try the various minors , modes and arpeggios , mixing them up as they might occur in a chord progression .
22 He could have flung fifty paper-strippers at them now and they would n't have minded .
23 Cor , there was boxes of brand new tools come down there , spanners , and they used to be the , like these , like a big chopper , well they used to have couple of all with erm breezed up with erm like greaseproof paper over 'em , bag 'em up into the holds , guns , there was guns , what done with the guns they hit the er , just near the barrel or the trigger , th they used to flatten them out so they could n't use 'em but they all went in the ships bombs , or little shells they used to find in there , all scrap iron .
24 Well Alex mixed the mix , I put them in the oven and Sue told me get them out or they 'll burn .
25 If they are a pain the cast will throw them out and they 'll return to the factory they came from . ’
26 We knew the RAF , and Allied friends were seeking out the launching sites of these monstrosities , and wiping them out where they could .
27 We shall not discuss them here as they can be overcome .
28 No it 's not it 's qu it 's quite disgraceful and nobody would approve of that and the co th th th th the Army if they got hold of anybody on that basis , they would court martial them immediately and they 'd be very severely dealt with .
29 All fish can detect the presence of objects near them even if they can not see them .
30 ‘ The trouble with foresters , ’ said Kāli , ‘ is that they 're permanently hungry : feed them well and they 'll leave you alone : forget to and they 'll scour the entire village for evidence of green wood , musk , tār and all the other protected animals that you 're not supposed to kill .
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