Example sentences of "on the [noun] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 EAU d'Huddersfield , until now submerged among gritty northern brews like dandelion and burdock , is about to mount an assault on the Perrier market for continental mineral water .
2 There is a separate entry on the discharge certificate for service in the East or West Indies included in the total .
3 The laser has been developed and built in Banbury … its been undergoing sea tests on the south coast for the past few months …
4 Well of course it must do , it 's on the south coast for , first of all , but erm the South Downs have their problems .
5 ‘ And we have to remember that many young people locally depend on the building trade for work . ’
6 This story runs parallel with that of a bank robbery which is being planned for 14th July by a group of petty criminals , some of whom are employed on the building site for the new hotel .
7 Frost & Sullivan 's new report on the US market for key pharmaceutical intermediates studies the complexity of the pharmaceutical industry .
8 For further information on The US market for plastics additives , contact Customer Service , Frost & Sullivan , Sullivan House , London .
9 Particular criticism was focused on the US administration for failing to agree to a firm schedule of binding cuts in carbon emissions .
10 Glaxo gained 6p to 635p on the US reprieve for its best-selling asthma drug Ventolin , whose patent has expired .
11 Nigel could n't leave his digging but wished us luck and we began to make our plans : go up on the Settle-Carlisle line for a day or two , split up to get round all the caravans quicker , then meet at dinner and tea to compare notes .
12 And it is not surprising when one considers that normally one detects a first edition simply by looking on the title verso for information .
13 Allow this to work on the cooking residues for 20 minutes and then switch the combi-steamer onto the steam mode for 10-–15 minutes .
14 If I had to I 'd tune it down , but I do n't play enough guitar on the Genesis tour for that to be a problem .
15 However , with both companies you need to be on the share register for 12 months .
16 Birds of prey which rely on the heather moorlands for nesting and rearing their young , such as merlin and hen harrier , can do so without the persecution which sometimes occurs when their existence is in conflict with grouse-shooting interests .
17 Whilst in the circuit we called for an ambulance on the Aldis lamp for the WT/Operator who had lost three fingers on one hand whilst " tinselling " .
18 Shame on the Ordnance Survey for giving it the name of Ingleborough Hill on some of their maps : it is every inch a mountain and , although not the highest in England as was once thought and is overtopped by many others , one of the grandest .
19 ‘ European acquisitions are now firmly on the board agenda for a growing number of UK company directors , ’ said Mr Healey .
20 So use the normal rules on the approach side for those , I E roundabout rules , but going back onto the signals again , on roundabouts like that do n't give unnecessary signals .
21 Unfortunately , Pratten ( 1988 ) — the main source of estimates of economies of scale — provides no information on the cost elasticity for the fertilizer industry .
22 This had considerable impact on the Champagne trade for , at a single stroke , 10 per cent of its annual production , normally consumed in royal and aristocratic Russian circles , suddenly had no market .
23 It was n't , it was a country STD code and it matched the number printed on the Exhilarator leaflet for Pegasus Farm .
24 As Judith finished cleaning out the hen for the next day 's dinner , she made room on the kitchen table for her mother to prepare the Friday-night traditional meal of gefilte fish .
25 However , ample space has been left on the circuit panel for two polyester capacitors to be connected in parallel ( see photograph ) .
26 Furthermore , British Rail has its eyes on the Bankside site for bringing up the spoil from the tunnel for Channel traffic which it is , so absurdly , driving under the middle of London at astronomical cost .
27 The subplot was eating and drinking in places other than the familiar punctuation marks on the Gorblimey-by-Nite tour for chalet girls ' nite off .
28 Leave to cool on the baking sheets for a few minutes , then transfer to a wire rack to cool .
29 Symphony Release 2.2 relied on the Allways add-in for its spreadsheet publishing capability but transition from one to the other has been made as smooth as possible .
30 Not only did the king have a spare hour for what turned out to be an excellent interview in the palace gardens , but on learning that there was now no plane to take us home until Monday , laid on two helicopters to take us all on a Sunday outing to Petra ( the ‘ rose red city half as old as time ’ ) , then on to Aqaba on the Red Sea for lunch and a swim , and home across the desert and the black tents of the Bedouins in the evening .
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