Example sentences of "on the [noun pl] that in " in BNC.

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1 This suspension was justified by senior staff on the grounds that in producing grandiose schemes for the further development of the infrastructure it was neglecting the more important area of study skills and its pivotal role in articulating library resources with the curriculum .
2 Many Republicans , including Bush , opposed the bill on the grounds that in order to avoid law suits alleging discrimination employers would be forced to ensure that their workforces corresponded to the racial composition of the local community .
3 The defence argument was solely that Caldwell could be distinguished on the grounds that in DPP v K there was a gap between the accused 's act and the injury , an argument which the court rejected .
4 Criticism of the phenomenological approach to RE was given in Chapter 4 , particularly on the grounds that in practice it tends to lose touch with much of the religion it sets out to understand and include .
5 In the past Greenpeace have always rejected us and er on the grounds that in fact we 're a political party .
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