Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] [subord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid you 'll have to go easy on the Sangria while taking the tablets , and on the swimming too . ’
2 Such considerations are important with respect to efficiency , as an alarming amount of time can be spent on the road as opposed to face to face with buyers .
3 Corbett chewed absent-mindedly on the bread whilst analysing the problem which faced him .
4 Sprinkle a little cheese on the top if desired .
5 The interviews were carried out some time after the abuse had been established , so that while all had been on the child abuse register only half were still on the register when interviewed .
6 Suppose someone 's name is entered on the computer as having been convicted of prostitution in London and they report an assault in York or perhaps somewhere totally different .
7 He may keep his hand on the ball while kicking it ’ .
8 ‘ I 'll enjoy being on the same pitch as Tony Dorigo , who is probably the best No 3 in the country for composure on the ball when going forward .
9 He looked such a handicap certainty for the Tote Gold Trophy that he quite ruined the betting on the race when starting 7-4 on in a field of 10 , the smallest of the series .
10 Dennis Barrett had a good fish of 15lbs , and fellow Ulsterman Bill Morrison had a nice brace , while Belfast angler John Cunningham landed his biggest ever salmon at 13lbs on the worm while fishing the Foxford stretch .
11 In view of Callam et al 's ( 1987a ) recommendation that arterial disease should be assumed in every patient presenting with an ulcer anywhere on the foot until proved otherwise , this suggests ischaemic ulcers are more common in men than women .
12 An additional problem is that while concentrating on the keyboard when using an interactive program the user may miss important happenings on the screen .
13 This was because the £3 3s. 0d. subscription was still the same as in 1907 not having been increased , making the return on the bond if taken as golf still only around the 3% level , clearly the capital could earn better interest elsewhere .
14 Hunt was again on the mark when scoring the final goal .
15 ‘ I 'd rather sleep on the floor than have to share a bed with you . ’
16 A solution of Jeyes fluid diluted to the manufacturers ' instructions can be sprinkled on the floor when needed , or you could try Stable Boy — crystals from a volcanic rock called zeolite that are said to absorb damp and help horses who normally cough when they come out of their boxes or start work .
17 You may like to check yourself when you are relaxing on your back on the floor as suggested at the end of Chapter 12 .
18 How many men were there in Vienna known to Fräulein Müller , who were likely to be on the scene when needed , and now preferred to remain anonymous ?
19 Call the Coastguard for information if in doubt — they would rather speak to you on the phone than have to rescue you on the water !
20 If you are a customer , then this is what you will hear on the phone when contacting the sales desk .
21 No addition to or variation of these terms is binding on the Buyer unless agreed in writing signed on the Buyer 's behalf by its Purchasing Director .
22 On the third party 's appeal , on the question whether assuming the defendants ' illegality to be proved , the defence of ex turpi causa non oritur actio precluded a claim for contribution under the Act of 1978 : —
23 John Parker , who himself took a nasty knock on the head while batting in a famous Press match at Harrogate in 1977 , stiffens his reader on page 9 by having the bumptious captain of Surrey keel over ‘ like a battleship hit by a torpedo ’ .
24 A MAN died in hospital a week after taken a knock on the head while playing football , a fatal accident inquiry heard yesterday .
25 Well , the first one we got kicked on the head because take the pension .
26 To confirm this , clip it into place on the camcorder as directed , and switch on .
27 The only exception is the small ‘ teaching ’ meeting , when the speaker actually draws diagrams on the transparency while talking .
28 A windy night , is n't it ? ’ he says — which is self-evident as you shiver , peering at him past the security chain on the door while struggling to keep yourself decent .
29 The need to steal a march on the competition when introducing new contracts is illustrated by the recent history of product innovation on LIFFE .
30 A corporate finance client will only enjoy the benefit of modified Conduct of Business rules imposed on the Firm rather than the full Conduct of Business Rules which are imposed on the Firm when dealing with Investment Business clients .
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