Example sentences of "on her [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Surrey members congratulate Chris Jones on her display-item for the Reunion — this was her first production ; fresh team auditions will be held 29 April .
2 But once Mona , daughter of the PLO 's chief fund-raiser , had admitted that he had enjoyed a summer holiday on her money at the time of the Gulf crisis , the gap-toothed Lothario was on his bike .
3 Perspiration glittered on her skin in the steely pre-dawn light from the balcony window .
4 At each end are two women : young one , lying on front and side , half-wrapped in her mantle as a blanket and beginning to pull it up on her shoulder as a dress while she lifts herself to look towards the centre ; and an old one with cropped hair , a slave , fully dressed , beginning to get to her knees .
5 In the hall , he helped her on with her coat , his hand resting on her shoulder for a moment — or so it seemed .
6 He nodded at her words , putting his arms about her and resting his head on her shoulder for a moment , seeking the comfort of her warm embrace .
7 Then he laid his hand on her shoulder for an instant , got back into the driving-seat , and was gone .
8 ‘ She wo n't get away from me like she did from the ‘ palookas ’ who tried to sit on her shoulder in the world championships . ’
9 The next day Karen telephones Lydia and threatens to tell the local newspaper and the national press about the ‘ assault on her boy by a teacher ’ if he is not reinstated immediately .
10 Summoned to Lord Beaverbrook 's presence on her departure for the US she listened to him develop a one-sided Scottish conversation which included the listing of many ancestors and their places of burial .
11 Mrs Thatcher prides herself on her reputation as an ‘ Iron Lady ’ .
12 His fingers tightened on her head for a second and then released her .
13 First seen alongside Neneh Cherry , singing and standing on her head with the early-Eighties cult dance band Rip Rig And Panic , Andrea Oliver has since sung with a variety of outfits and , in between organising and cooking for a weekly night at West London 's Globe club , has recently joined forces with Malcolm Joseph ( previously with soul band Seventh Heaven ) to form new band , Her .
14 It was strange and awkward , being dressed by someone else , seeing Lyddy kneel to put on her stockings , lace up her boots , feeling the steady foreign strokes on her head of a hairbrush wielded by another hand .
15 When he came in to find her , she was standing on her head in a sexy leotard , legs provocatively parted .
16 She sat in front of her turfed teepee like a re-located squaw — the mass of brown hair loosely braided and heaped on her head like a parcel carelessly tied with twine , her forget-me-not blue eyes looking at Mary only when she thought she was unobserved , at all other times intent on the middle distance , her small , slight , quick body quivering as she enjoyed the rare comfort of proper sat-down company and felt the physical , close interest of another human being .
17 It 's thought that six-month-old Hannah Davies was dropped on her head by a three-year-old boy , though the inquest jury returned an open verdict because of conflicting evidence .
18 Arriving on her broomstick at the prison-like school gates , Mildred peered through the railings into the misty playground .
19 This is the ruthless side of Kylie , the hard-nosed accountant 's daughter who has exploited her popularity to the hilt and capitalised on her success like no other pop star in the past decade .
20 North-East members send congratulations to one of their number , Rosaline Garton , on her success in the Teachers ' Award exam .
21 PENNY HASSET * , who showed marked improvement when encountering heavy ground for the first time at Wolverhampton recently , should make the most of similar conditions on her return to the course for today 's Daffodil Handicap ( 5.0 ) .
22 On her return to the party a few minutes later , she almost bumped into James , who placed his clammy hands on her bare shoulders and squeezed them .
23 She 'd anticipated anger and scorn on her return to the theatre , and Josh 's totally unexpected concern all but unmanned her .
24 On her return to the car the President said how is it you know this petrol pump attendant so well ?
25 This recipe was given to me by a well-travelled customer on her return from the USA .
26 Creeping up the backstairs on her return from the Galleon , she 'd foolishly thought she was safe .
27 Dada was coming out of this , his special lavatory , as Nicandra , on her return from the dining room , arrived at the landing .
28 ‘ You must , ’ Myra said when Claudia said as much on her return from the hairdresser .
29 Giving a long sigh , she chewed on her lip for a moment as she wondered how to explain the other things that were bothering her .
30 He further contends by ground ( 2 ) of his notice of appeal that the failure of the judge to perceive the limitations imposed on her discretion in the context of the Convention led her to reject the proposition that the elements necessary to the exercise of that discretion have to exist within the framework laid down by the Convention itself .
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