Example sentences of "on their [noun] [coord] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Started in 1990 , the RIGS scheme aims to build a network of local groups gathering information on their areas and liaising with local authorities and others to improve protection of sites of particular importance .
2 For the next few hours they went among the high street shops , first searching through the shelves of Joseph Toms , Toys and Fancy Goods , for novelties , then looking among the tiny cupboards of Charles Weaver , Apothecary , sampling the sweet-tasting , harmless powders on their fingers and mixing the brightly-coloured liquids in beakers .
3 Now several people in the audience were on their feet and waving in an attempt to attract the attention of Gerrard , who left the dais and walked up the narrow central aisle , holding a hand microphone high in the air .
4 But Ernst & Young , Deloitte & Touche and KPMG Peat Marwick , all of which rely on their auditing and accounting for over 50% of total earnings , saw revenue fall in real terms .
5 They have the charming habit of sitting up on their haunches and basking in the early morning sun .
6 Tail-wagging , rolling on their back and exposing their tender neck , the tail-between-the-legs routine , the self-confident bound and posturing of the top dog — all these and many similar body gestures of greeting , submission and dominance are common to many related canine species , whether wolf , hyena , dog or jackal .
7 They would always be busy putting on their make-up and brushing their hair .
8 ‘ The tests were poor discriminators and , in terms of checking on their progress and diagnosing their weaknesses , we could do a far better job ourselves in a fraction of the time , ’ he declared
9 Consequently , there was a constant danger of those Moorish princes owing allegiance to El Cid calling upon him for aid , or simply reneging on their agreements and going over in force to the Almoravid leader .
10 Furthermore , most of the front-line states are dependent on transport routes through South Africa , which has imposed substantial increases in transit costs , tightening its hold on their economies and raising the cost of imports .
11 Four cars derailed , two rolling on their side and ending up 20 yards from the line .
12 At present farmers have to wait three weeks between spreading the sludge on their fields and allowing cattle to graze .
13 The two men had been Bermondsey waifs together , living on their wits and sleeping beneath the damp , infested arches in the dirt and rubbish .
14 That said , a couple of encounters obviously have some value in keeping the PCs on their toes and hurrying them up if the pace of the game is slackening due to excessive caution by them .
15 Everything at Berbera was unfamiliar and exciting : the barren , burnt-up countryside , so very different from the highlands of Abyssinia ; the camel herds at the wells ; the gaunt , half-naked Somalis with great mops of hair , leaning on their spears and talking a harsh incomprehensible language ; the bugle calls ; the uniformed troops drilling on their parade ground , and especially an evening when they staged for us a realistic attack with blank ammunition on a position " held " by tribesmen .
16 With rucksacks on their shoulders and clutching their weapons , the group of desperadoes trudged up the main coast road , clearly silhouetted by the headlamps of passing enemy traffic .
17 A team of 30 rescuers battled throughout Monday night and yesterday morning to free the men , crawling on their stomachs and ripping out debris with their hands as temperatures reached 30C three-quarters of a mile from the pit shaft of Stillingfleet colliery , North Yorks .
18 Walking backwards on their tails and soaring to astonishing heights to nod balls or jump over ropes are common features of public displays .
19 Why are the Government sitting on their backsides and failing to see that they are paid now ?
20 Professionals have a choice between imposing ‘ appropriate ’ needs on their clients or attempting to break down the latters ' 'dein-dividualisation' ( e.g. as an unemployed person , as a schizophrenic etc. ) and assisting ‘ real ’ needs to be collectively voiced .
21 RAFALOs work hard in promoting the Association on their Stations and supporting the local Branches .
22 The finale is an instrumental where Tim 's guitar finally bursts into life , turning wah way clichés on their heads and encouraging the audience to forget Betty Boo and ‘ Do the Dermo ’ .
23 The finale is an instrumental where Tim 's guitar finally bursts into life , turning wah way clichés on their heads and encouraging the audience to forget Betty Boo and ‘ Do the Dermo ’ .
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