Example sentences of "on the [num] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nick Champion of Russell , Baldwin and Bright Markets , who run it on the four Tuesdays prior to Christmas and sell several tons a year , says dealers are having to travel far afield to collect mistletoe to sell at Tenbury .
2 Oakenfold 's version of ‘ Cloud 8 ’ was the only well executed or timely attempt ( coming as it did during last summer 's mellow months ) , and is included on the four track limited edition giveaway , ‘ The Baby Album ’ .
3 Across an arm of the river Guadalquivir lies Europe 's biggest building site where , a year from now , the gates will open on the 1992 Seville Universal Exposition .
4 Rennie , who 's from Pittville Circus in Cheltenham , is also accused of having a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and an earlier assault on the seventeen year old girl .
5 With his junior staff loyally taking the blame and trying to pretend he knew nothing about it ( despite his signature on the 17 January presidential order ) , Reagan began to believe he had known nothing about it and it is possible that he did not know what he was signing .
6 We have concentrated thus far on the two sectors statutory and voluntary , by which most formal care in the community is delivered .
7 As the quotation shows , the two types of blood were perceived as two sides of the same coin : on the one side positive male blood and on the other negative female blood .
8 On the one hand variceal haemorrhage may be the final episode in a progressively deteriorating clinical disease state ; alternatively , it may be a single potentially life threatening episode in a patient who can otherise expect several further years of good quality life .
9 On the one hand papal taxation was preserving them from Edward 's attentions , except for customary feudal dues and prerogative levies ; it is safe to assume that the laity were adapting readily to the notion of leaving the tax burden , or as much of it as they could , to the clergy .
10 Siege-engines demanded on the one hand skilled operators , and on the other a plentiful supply of unskilled labourers to move the necessary materials .
11 That is on the one hand remote and on the other ridiculous .
12 When I obey or defy ‘ Face facts ’ , my welcoming or resisting of the facts is itself a psychological process in causal interaction with spontaneous inclination ; on the one hand emotional bias distorts judgement , on the other desire or aversion veers with additional information .
13 On the one hand increased INSET activity is seen as the way forward especially by the Department of Education and Science ( DES , 1985b and 1986 ; MSC , 1987 ) .
14 On the one hand insufficient quantities at a particular point in time , will cause costly delays in production .
15 Existing management structures and knowledge bases are on the one hand inappropriate , and on the other largely inadequate , for this task and these inadequacies are very serious constraints ; of the two , the lack of adequate knowledge bases for evaluation in a process sense is probably more important but it is also the point at which the greatest development could take place .
16 On the one hand military action must be pursued with maximum efficiency , defined by military criteria .
17 Two contrasting features mark the relations between Rome and the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. On the one hand commercial relations must have decreased because there were fewer Greek imports than in the sixth century .
18 It is on the one hand full of practical hints about all aspects of plotting , with many clear examples .
19 After some years of struggling anxiously with the knotty complexities of Catholic devotion before the reforms of the Second Vatican Council , I found The Cloud of Unknowing 's stark insistence on the one thing necessary deeply liberating and felt that a weight had fallen from my shoulders .
20 OVERLEAF : Shooting the model scenes on the twenty foot square table-top set of the Daleks ' landing pad .
21 Your correspondent has re-read his report on the 1968 Glasgow Actuarial Students ’ supper and considers the article probably conveyed as much on his changing view of the world as it did on the supper itself .
22 As part of the Aquino governments crackdown on the 19 year old communal insurgency , there has been a drive to outlaw legitimate political groups , including GABRlELA .
23 All is dwarfed at the end , though , by a chilling report and follow-up on the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre .
24 This was quite an achievement as there were many well-known archers at the meeting — the captain had arranged for the northern championship meeting to be held at the same venue on the three days prior to the Scorton shoot .
25 A Council member , well-known for his role as chairman of the Institute 's Information Technology Group , Mr Oakley had also served on the 1985 Davison Working Party on Fraud .
26 The basis on which our miners receive redundancy pay is based on the 12 weeks prior to being made redundant . ’
27 In a day 's outing on the 30 degrees overhanging climbs at Volx , Provence , he will top-rope several 7c routes , downclimbing them as well .
28 It is based on the 1984 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey and extends work done by the investigators on the 1980 Survey .
29 Alec Evans , 53 , assistant coach on the 1984 Wallaby Grand Slam tour of Britain and Ireland , will decide this weekend whether to accept a £30,000 offer to join Cardiff as director of coaching .
30 The attack on the 39 year old woman happened on 30th April at Swindon College .
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