Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 I have written this account on their behalf , based on my knowledge of the women , observations of their lifestyle , and discussions with them and their support workers .
2 Alternatively , you may be commenting on my handling of the revolution , ’ Mait said , grinning in exhilaration , ‘ playing both sides off against the middle to divert attention from the construction of all this . ’
3 I turn on the other light on my side of the carriage .
4 ‘ My dear Kegan , you know as well as I do that you came in on my side of the fence not out of some great disinterested love of science — you do n't know what science is all about ! — but because you saw a hope of personal glory in it !
5 He began to read it page by page , showing amusement , but remaining on my side of the counter .
6 Do n't be fooled if you are on my side of the generation gap .
7 For about ten minutes everything was quiet , but suddenly I heard a noise on my side of the moat .
8 You can not drill a hole in the boat and when water floods in say to your companion , ‘ It 's nothing to do with you , the water is coming in on my side of the boat . ’
9 I do not have to speak to people on my side of the political and philosophical fence to understand what a minimum wage policy would cost ; I need only listen to Gavin Laird of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and read in the Library the works of the Fabian Society and , on Sundays , The People .
10 ‘ You 've just come out on my side of the argument .
11 It 's not , on my side of the story !
12 on my side of the road .
13 A final comment on my use of the word ‘ animal ’ .
14 My heart races with excitement so that I can not concentrate on my Light of the World jigsaw showing Jesus standing outside the vine-covered door , lantern in hand .
15 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
16 In 1666 the first edition of Rose 's little book , The English Vineyard Vindicated , was published , with no indication on its title-page of the share of John Evelyn [ q.v. ] in the book 's composition , though his identity was revealed in the preface by ‘ Philocepos ’ , who mentioned his recent Sylva .
17 While an appeal was being examined the republic could suspend the application on its territory of the acts in contention .
18 The division , which prided itself on its knowledge of the oil companies and the oil world , believed ( as it subsequently proved , with some justification ) that we were paying more for our naphtha than we strictly needed to do .
19 The consensus group does not make clear that its recommendations are based on its interpretation of the widely available literature .
20 The Catholic Church 's position , which is based on its experience of the constant tradition of faith since the time of the apostles , is that ‘ the Church , in fidelity to the example of the Lord , does not consider herself authorised to admit women to priestly ordination ’ ( Introduction , declaration on the question of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood , CDF 15 October 1976 ) .
21 To mobilize the American economy with such remarkable success , the Roosevelt administration drew on its experience of the New Deal period and created a whole series of new government agencies .
22 In order to secure the option of a judicial challenge to the Commission 's determinations in such cases , a company would be well advised to complain formally to the Commission at the earliest opportunity , and to participate in the Commission 's investigation , making submissions and offering evidence of the adverse effects on its business of the conduct of which complaint has been made .
23 This was a telling comment on Francoism 's concept of " normality " and , particularly , on its view of the intellectual and political capacity of women : men who were not the head of the household in which they lived and all unmarried women were disenfranchized , even if they had reached the age of majority .
24 The survey findings and families ' comments will be presented to the district council 's environmental health committee meeting tomorrow night , before it decides on its view of the issue .
25 The Brotherhood has immense economic power which was at first based on its control of the ground-nut trade but later on a diversified portfolio of business interests , many of them urban .
26 The Namibian authorities opened a border post in the Caprivi Strip at Mpelela Island in the Zambezi River on Nov. 1 , describing this as an effort to meet the needs of Zambians travelling to Namibia by river and to stop smugglers of drugs , corn meal and other goods , and presenting the move as being in accordance with a 1990 agreement with Zambia ; the latter , however , claimed that the Namibians had acted unilaterally and that , without a post on its side of the border , Zambia would lose customs revenue from undeclared goods .
27 In both the Reports of the Court to the General Assembly and the listings of the United Nations Secretariat , Nicaragua was included as having accepted the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court through the operation of Article 36 ( 5 ) on its acceptance of the compulsory jurisdiction of the Permanent Court .
28 It would be a poor look-out on her share of the mortgage , let alone Sebastian 's , if she lost this job that paid so well .
29 Sarah , who lives in Wandsworth , was cross because , in the end , all the other candidates encroached on her territory of the environment .
30 She was asked to draw on her knowledge of the subject 's life material and reply to each question , supplying evidence , as nearly as possible using the subject 's own words , that was sufficiently detailed for the answer to be evaluated properly against the original SADS-L criteria .
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