Example sentences of "on [pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
2 And then we get through customs , and the two of us are having a laugh because we 're safely back , and suddenly this drunk in a chauffeur 's cap throws himself at us and nearly puts out my eye with a cardboard sign and treads on my foot into the bargain .
3 you 're gon na stand on my foot in a minute then I 'm gon na kick you in the bollocks with the other foot !
4 I had to sit and hold on my lap like a baby !
5 She 'd sat on my lap in a friendly way , true , but that was just so I could get a better fix on her rug .
6 She laid it on my lap in a soft caress .
7 I did not appreciate the irony of being knocked dead on my back with a bunch of flowers clasped to my chest .
8 A big erm pitcher full of tea and then a basket tied on my back with the sandwiches and and the cake of scone my mother used to back more often .
9 It sounded extremely good , so I , lying on my back in the sunshine , shouted up to the open windows , ‘ Hello , who 's playing that ? ’
10 But I 'm in the lake , I 'm floating on my back in the water .
11 It took me all day to convince my mother that there had been a change , but by the next afternoon I found myself flat on my back in the hospital again with injunctions not to move .
12 Even on my return through the ward , past ulcer and oedema , past sleepwalker and sleeptalker , I could feel the hungry suck of it on the soles of my black boots .
13 On my return to the UK , we decided to do just that .
14 During my annual medical check-up in 1987 , Dr Dingle discovered a blood irregularity , but as I was fighting fit he said it was probably just a virus and I was to forget about it during my impending holiday and to see him on my return for a second blood test .
15 I stopped eating on my return from the summer camp mentioned earlier .
16 Yeah , and I came , for three weeks I was coming down stairs on my bottom like a toddler , I could n't go from
17 This one meant either a crawl on my belly beneath a boulder , hoping to be able to escape out of the hole on the other side , or a wide sloping ledge on the right .
18 I stuck one on my forehead for an afternoon , received a good many curious stares from colleagues , and got the giggles .
19 I , however , strutted out like a barnyard cock , booted and cloaked , a broad-brimmed hat on my head with a black and white plume hanging from it .
20 ‘ We have to agree on my involvement in the promotion .
21 But this picture hung there on my wall with the depth and serenity of a new world .
22 The policeman is civil and he lets me go , commenting on my eyesore of a car , warning me to get my tail-light repaired .
23 should we , should we look at say the first Friday after the middle of January , something of that sort , I , I have n't got a calendar on my desk at the moment I 'm afraid , but erm
24 LAST September a 56-page typescript arrived on my desk at the BBC in Edinburgh .
25 But like just for you to know that , I mean , at the moment , got a slight shortage of staff and , us little Express girlies are like , we 're all sort of desperate to please them well , and because we need to , if a customer rings we 're always there for them and the problem is , I 've got like two phones on my desk at the moment , so , I could guarantee the minute I put my phone down , if anybody else is on the phone ha , bloody phone 's still ringing , I have got to answer it .
26 I might even see the remainder of my old Hyundai back on my desk as a loaner while ADM irons out the inevitable bugs in this Frankenstein 's monster I 'm creating .
27 If I ca n't get to the person they want I try and say to them , ‘ Look , can you please ring back ’ , because if they left a message , that message would have been lying on my desk until the next morning , until I get round to actually phoning that person internally , saying this person rang .
28 D' you know that guy comes into my office about twice a day and perches on my desk like a bird of ill omen all ready to commiserate with me about my wretched lot ?
29 I want a list on my desk by the time I get back . ’
30 ‘ Have some sketches on my desk by the end of next week , ’ he commanded .
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